Re "during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of 
Christ and all are invited to partake":

 Not so. The wine is for the priests alone. The congregation has to be 
satisfied with the bread. The official Church doctrine is that as *both* the 
bread and the wine are transformed into Christ's body and blood only the one 
need be taken. But as the priest partakes of both bread and wine the obvious 
implication is that he's getting a special privilege. As the blood clearly 
symbolises the "inner life force" the message taken away by everyone is that 
the priest is more spiritual than the lay members.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 


---In, <> wrote:

 The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned about! The 
*blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those, who go so 
forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of birth and 
death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of desire) until 
the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization is gained 
through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween here, 


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