Share, your opinion of my opinions about you are wrong, but you are entitled to 
them anyway.

 Share wrote: 
 > Judy, your opinions about me are wrong and you are entitled to them anyway.

 With reference to my earlier post, this response from Share falls under the 
heading of "whether it even makes any sense to go there in the first place." Of 
course she isn't going to agree with my opinions of her, and of course I'm 
entitled to them anyway. Was anyone in any doubt about this, or was it an 
utterly useless remark on her part?

 On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 11:42 AM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   SMASH. Didn't signal the turn, didn't pay any attention to oncoming traffic.

 Share, the bottom line is that you don't take the opportunity to learn. You 
knock over all the orange cones and pretend they were never there in the first 
place, all the while mouthing empty platitudes that you think are deep insights.

 Share wrote:
 Bottom line, traffic jams or not, it's all grist for the mill. Meaning, it's 
all an opportunity for learning.

 On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:57 AM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Actually it makes traffic jams more likely because of the much greater 
number of accidents when folks rolling in different directions smash into each 
other. It's especially problematic when some people aren't paying any attention 
to where they're going and don't think through how they're going to get there, 
or whether it even makes any sense to go there in the first place.
Share wrote:
> Doc, that's what I love about FFL, so many people rolling all different ways. 
> Less chance of traffic jams that 
 > way!







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