--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> turq, I'm grateful that I don't mind fu er, messing up. And now that
Judy's imitating me, I have hope that she'll allow herself and everyone
else to mess up now and then. Just for the fun of it.
>  Speaking of fun, I got Castle out of the library, am officially
smitten by Nathan Fallion. Yeah, he's cute. But mainly he's a nice guy
who's also light hearted. Now I definitely have to see Serenity.

OK, you got me.  :-)

Nathan is a mensch. He is reputedly one of the nicest guys on planet
Earth. And one of the funniest; that's why he and Joss Whedon got along
so well.

By all means, follow up on Nathan Fillion. If you want my advice, watch
"Firefly" first. He just *rocks* in that series as Captain Tightpants.
One of the great hero figures of cinematic history, and largely because
he can be FUNNY in the face of danger.

*Then* watch "Serenity." It was the followup full-length movie to close
out the "Firefly" story.

If you watch either of these on DVD, be certain to watch the gag reels,
the outtakes. THAT is where you get to see how great a guy Nathan
Fillion is.

If you *really* get hooked, you have to watch "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along
Blog." This is a three-episode series that Joss Whedon did for FUN while
a strike was going on and he couldn't work on his other projects. He
paid for it all himself, and most of the actors did it out of their love
for Joss, not for a paycheck, and then he released it on the Internet.
Nathan plays Captain Hammer, the most narcissistic superhero every
invented. Here's the whole series:

<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTMuZSeSwIk>  (Episode 1)

<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1REpALmWGqU>  (Episode 2)

<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEeEhvAKNug>  (Episode 3)

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