At this point, it looks like you are more popular on FFL than Judy or Barry. Almost nobody wants to dialog with Judy anymore. I only posted my comments because it looked like she was so depressed lately. But, you've managed to cheer her up, it looks like. Good work!

On 10/29/2013 3:11 PM, Share Long wrote:
Judy, I'm simply seeing the whole picture and choosing to focus on the positive which is IMO the opposite of what you almost always do, which is tofocus on the negative, the one wrong letter in a misspelled word, etc.

On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 3:02 PM, "" <> wrote: *Notice that Share doesn't call Barry on his attempt to mislead, 'cause it misleads (she thinks) in her favor.*
*Such integrity.*
*Share blabbered:*
> turq, I'm grateful that I don't mind fu er, messing up. And now that Judy's imitating me, I have hope that > she'll allow herself and everyone else to mess up now and then. Just for the fun of it.

*I'm fine with honest people messing up, Share. It's the dishonest ones like you and Barry who won't admit they messed up that I have a beef with.*

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