"The rudeness, the arrogance, the insulting manner of my approach was to deliver perhaps enough of a shock to make her utter something other than her daily New Age affirmations." - Robin Carlsen

On 12/9/2013 9:54 AM, Share Long wrote:
Judy, sound like a constipated Inquisition judge all you want, I don't agree with your assessment of me and my posts. This will not change.

On Monday, December 9, 2013 8:03 AM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" <authfri...@yahoo.com> wrote: Do you think this "last resolve" for you, Share, will include confessing and repenting of the falsehoods you've told on FFL? Or are you just going to pretend they don't count, pretend they're only a matter of seeing things differently, and take a chance you'll get away with them sub specie aeternitatis?

Share exclaimed:

> Wow, Buck, what a great rousing hymn to begin the week with, thanks for posting.

On Monday, December 9, 2013 6:34 AM, "dhamiltony2k5@..." <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:

*Come, humble sinner, in whose breast
A thousand thoughts revolve.
Come with your guilt and fear oppressed,
And make this last resolve.

I'll go to the Domes , though my sin
Hath like a mountain rose;
I know its ways, I'll enter in,
Whatever may oppose.

I can but perish if I don't go,
I am resolved to try,
For if I stay away I know
I must forever die.*


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