This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.

 Richard trolled:

 > It really doesn't matter what your handle is or what your email address is, 
 > because you posted a fib, and it's not very difficult to tell when you're 
 > trying to weasel out of it. You either posted the message below or you did 
 > not. If you did, it contradicts what you previously posted about the TM 
 > mantras NOT being the names of the personal gods. 
> And, that's not even counting how many times you've posted comments about 
> "the technique".
 "Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it 
is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities 
(whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."
 From: authfriend
 Subject: OMG: madhuauudana & definition of dhaaraNaa
 Forum: Yahoo! FairfiedLife
 Date: November 25, 2013 2:04 PM
 On 12/10/2013 1:38 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) 
takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.
 Richard trolled: 
 It sure looks like you're posting as "authfriend" and it looks like your email 
address is authfriend.  But I could be mistaken. Are you still "The Author's 
Friend" or not? Seriously - it's not a trick question!
 On 12/10/2013 10:45 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) 
takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 
 Richard trolled:
 Well, it sure looks like you're posting as the "author's friend", but it's 
hard to tell by the way you spelled your it, authfriend. The problem isn't so 
much what the respondents here think about your handle and your email address - 
it's what your clients think about it when they find out you're posting here at 
all. Go figure.
 On 12/9/2013 8:09 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) 
takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 
 Richard wrote:
 > The problem is posting to a chat room using your professional name as a 
 > handle and including your business email address in order to advertise your 
 > services. That's against the FFL rule about posting spam to the group. It's 
 > even worse if you're using someone else's business name. That's real serious!

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