On 12/31/2013 3:26 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 > No, sorry, Share, but I had made it quite clear what I meant by "risen."
Risen means risen - where else do you think the dead rise, if not into 
the air? Are you thinking that the risen Christ was crawling on the 
floor? A resurrected Christ isn't a mere human being with a body - a 
Christ is a holy spirit - not a gross body. You need to get your ducks 
in a row and do some research.

 > In this case, it doesn't mean "risen into the air," as Richard maintains.
When a spirit-soul "rises from the dead" it's a rising, up into the air 
- they don't just bow and scrape. The resurrected soul that has risen, 
goes up, not down. A Christ that has been resurrected is totally 
surrounded by air. Otherwise how could the soul rise up - without air, 
the soul would sink into the earth.

 > Christ is not reported in the Bible to have been "hovering in the air"
 > when Mary Magdalene saw him. Richard knows that. He also knows
 > (if he's read the Bible passages he cites) that not all of them say Mary
 > M. was the first to see Christ after he rose from the grave (and none
 > of them say he was
Nobody said that it says in the Bible that Christ "hovered in the air." 
The Bible say what it says: two women were the first to see the risen 
Christ - Mary Magdalene and the mother of James. Can't you read?

 > hovering in the air above the tomb when he appeared to Mary Magdalene").
 > This is just another of his lying trolls. Like you, initially he made a
 > mistake, but he can't admit it.
The risen Christ had to be hovering somewhere - where do you think he 
was hovering? Under the table? The Christ obviously had to be hovering 
somewhere where Mary Magdalene could see him. If he was the Christ he 
would have been a holy spirit-soul, not a gross body. Otherwise, how 
would anyone have known Jesus was the Christ? Go figure.

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