On 1/1/2014 11:49 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 > But I'd be willing to bet quite a substantial sum of money that
 > Share will still not acknowledge that Richard has been trolling
 > and lying throughout the discussion.
How much would you be willing to wager? You being a non-believer, your 
wager won't mean much anyway. In my case, my ancestor, Roger Williams, 
established the Baptist church in America, at Plymouth Plantation. So 
I'd say i would be knowing more about Christianity than yourself. And, I 
come from a long family of Baptists - my uncle was a pastor and I spent 
years discussing the Bible with him. You on the other hand are the 
daughter of a liberal who probably never set a foot inside a Christian 
church. Go figure.

According to what I've been told, in Christianity believers in the 
resurrection will themselves be resurrected from the dead and will rise 
up into spiritual bodies at the Last Judgement. In the fifteenth chapter 
of the First Epistle to the Corinthians (Corinthians: 15) is based on 
events that were told to Paul by way of the apostles when he was in 
Jerusalem, only two years after the resurrection.

"The first eleven verses are the earliest account of the Resurrection 
appearances of Jesus in the New Testament. For Christians who believe in 
the resurection are saved. "


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