The first thing Maharishiji said back when he first set out the times for our 
meditation that we all took home as instruction was to “meditate for as long as 
you can”. I was there and heard it directly when he said this as the first 
guideline. Then some people locked in samsara complained. However, it should be 
certainly better at least and much more unified in field effect if people 
should get to bed early in the first place, get up in time enough that they 
were actually awake and in their places to meditate at 7:30am. The Dome doors 
open at 7am. Then Be, sitting up and actually meditating together by 7:30am. 
It's shown in the science and so evident in the experience when we meditate 
together. And by corollary it is such a waste of everyone's time and coherence 
creating potential having these ill-disciplined people coming in late to the 
meditation or sleeping in meditation. I would hope that people could honor the 
virtue of loyalty to meditation and the Domes by making a point to get to the 
Dome meditation on time. 
 -Buck in the Dome   

 Yes, it [the low Dome group meditation numbers] is a pitiable pitiful state of 
being. The communal meditation numbers are sadly low. I feel and hold in 
complete contempt those who could be in the Dome meditating with the group who 
are not. They are nothing better than anti-science anti-spiritual 
anti-meditators. They clearly do not get it. Such ignorance is entirely 
contemptible and without virtue.
 -Buck, a conservative meditator   

 wrote: I reading this correctly? Only 200 in the Men's dome?

With numbers that low -- is the Fairfield campus a zombie of its former self?

 Friends; The Dome doors open at 7am for meditation. Everyday. Happy New Year!  
Today!  Come join with us for group meditations and let there be peace in the 
world in this New Year. Change evidently begins within and can begin within you 
by the mediating affect of the Meissner Effect of consciousness coherence peace 
radiating from deep transcendental meditation within outward. Come join in with 
meditation groups near you to help mediate for peace in the world this year.  
It is the opportunity of a lifetime,
 -Buck in the Dome  

 Yes indeed, let us be humble now at year's end with the New Year beginning. 
Taking stock now at year's end our community Dome meditation numbers are 
frightfully low.
 Men's Dome meditation numbers are more frequently even below 200. That is
 even lower than whence the Assembly started back in 2006 of the real nadir
 days with TM in the West. This low meditation number now does not bode well. 
With the collapse and failure of the Assembly around the Settle grant we need 
now more than ever before better leadership in this new year.
 The old adage, “you can't lead from behind”; Our leadership needs to come to 
the Domes too where they might even get seen in battle.
 All meditators, rich as well as poor, praise the Unified Field and come to 
meditation for world peace in the New Year,


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