he has had doubts as to whether or not TM and Christianity are compatible ever 
since I roomed with him on a residence course in 1975 - he has been having more 
doubts lately due to my corrupting influence as I pass on all things I find 
about TM both the positive and negative. I think he likes talking to Jerry on 
some level because it re-affirms his desire to believe TM is a gooooood thang - 
he did touch on some of the allegations about M's dalliances with women with 
Jerry and Jarvis said those things absolutely never happened. At least, he 
never saw them. 

Were I to be asking the questions, I would like to know how so many other skin 
boys saw and heard that which Jerry did not. But maybe Bill will ask him that 
sometime. Jerry did tell my friend he is not too keen on the behavior of many 
of the TM big wigs these days, but they did not get into specifics.
On Mon, 1/6/14, authfri...@yahoo.com <authfri...@yahoo.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Marshy and Religion
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 6, 2014, 10:18 PM
       OK, thanks. I don't understand how he can
 do both with full commitment if he's so sure TM is a
 religious practice. TM would be OK with his being an
 evangelical, but evangelicalism would most definitely not be
 OK with his doing TM.
 Please do pass on anything he tells you about his
 conversations with Jerry Jarvis. (You could pass on to
 him--to Bill--my comments too if you wanted to. I'd be
 fascinated to hear his response.)
 << He does his
 program every day, twice a day now that he's retired.
 Goes to church a couple times a week too - he also has been
 having ongoing conversations with Jerry Jarvis the last
 couple months. He spoke with him a couple hours last about a
 week before Christmas. I'll pass on any good info or
 stories if Bill gives me any. >>
  On Mon, 1/6/14, authfriend@... <authfriend@...>
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Marshy and Religion
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Monday, January 6, 2014, 6:44 PM
        What do you mean
  by "TM aficionado"? He sure doesn't sound
  one to me.
  << In honor
  of what FFL was supposed to be and sometimes is, I offer a
  piece of writing sent to me by a friend who is both a
  Christian and a TM aficionado. Those of you reading may
  agree or like it, but I think it makes a number of good
  points. >>
  Maharishi Defines Himself Through the Spiritual
       M defines himself as the instrument through which a
  precious knowledge, lost after Shankara’s revival, will
  given back to the world:  “It was the concern of Guru
  Deva, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, to
  all men everywhere that resulted in the foundation of the
  worldwide Spiritual Regeneration Movement in 1958, five
  years after his departure from us.”(p.16)  
      And again, “...the SRM (was) founded with the sole
  purpose of spiritually regenerating the lives of all men
  every part of the world.  (p.21) 
      Guru Deva was M’s guru, the Spiritual Regeneration
  Movement (SRM) was created by M, and it is significant
  the original name for M’s movement was “Spiritual
      This is heavy stuff.  These are words that belong to
  domain of religion and can only be understood in that
  context.  If M’s explicit aim was to “spiritually
  regenerate the world” by spreading enlightenment,
  a society where every action of the individual was “in
  accordance with all the laws of nature”, i.e. in
  terms “without sin”, the accomplishment of this aim
  would represent no less an event in spiritual significance
  than the life and death of Jesus Christ.  It is difficult
  talk about TM not being a “religion” for those who
  center their lives around the practice of the technique,
  study the teaching’s of M.  For those people who take TM
  “seriously”, who devote themselves to both the
  and to M, the following statements (in italics below)
  concerning an online Webster dictionary definition of
  religion can be honestly made:
  Webster Definition Of Religion
  re·li·gion noun \ri-ˈli-jən\
  : the belief in a god or in a group of gods.  TM teaches a
  great deal about the nature of god, about getting the
  of gods, and about direct experience of God.
  : an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules
  to worship a god or a group of gods.  TM teaches a system
  beliefs concerning the nature of spiritual growth, for a
  the organization offers spiritual ceremonies (Yagyas),
  performed by specialists, for obtaining the favors of the
  gods for the acquisition of specified blessings.  All of
  these are based on faith in the accuracy of M’s
  : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very
  important to a person or group.  There are many people who
  completely devote their lives and their fortunes to M and
  the TM movement.
  Full Definition of RELIGION
  a :  the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year
  religion>  The TM organization offers full time
  positions to certain qualified persons, allowing them to
  become Hindu monks and nuns.
  b (1) :  the service and worship of God or the
  (2) :  commitment or devotion to religious faith or
  observance  Success with the TM technique is based on
  regular practice.  Initiates start out with 20 minutes
  a day, peopl with advanced training often graduate to 90
  minutes twice a day.  This is represents a serious
  commitment to “the supernatural”.  While the benefits
  TM help sustain this commitment, there is certainly an
  element of faith that is also required.  M also talks
  the necessity of faith to achieve the goals of TM.
  :  a personal set or institutionalized system of religious
  attitudes, beliefs, and practices.  The teaching of M
  (“attitudes, beliefs, and practices”) have certainly
  been codified and institutionalized over the past 50
  archaic :  scrupulous conformity :  conscientiousness  The
  term “scrupulous conformity” is a good description
  especially of the people that live in TM communities, in
  terms of dress, language, diet, and overall lifestyle.
  :  a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with
  ardor and faith  The teachings of TM include a specific
  of beliefs (life after death, reincarnation, the nature of
  spiritual growth, etc), and the “ardor and faith” to
  which these are held can be witnessed by speaking to
  any committed practitioner.  M’s expressed goal of
  “spiritually regenerating the world” is a certainly a
  cause that many devote their lives to.
  The Bhagavad Gita and TM Holy Tradition As Scripture
      “The BG is the highest expression of divine
  intelligence understandable by man.” (4:1, p.252)
       This is a pretty profound religious statement.
     “This path of action for gaining success in the world
  and freedom in divine consciousness has a long tradition. 
  In its content it is eternal.  Even if in time its purity
  lost and it is forgotten by man, each time it is restored
  the world by a wave of revival that comes from God.”
       There it is, you either accept this as from God or
  “It is deplorable that such precious accounts of life on
  the highest human level as are to be found in the
  material of ancient India should have been regarded as
   They should, on the contrary, be recognized as a most
  useful history of the highest civilization that has ever
  existed on earth.” (p.254)
       There are many that might accuse M of being a bit
  egocentric about his country’s history.
       “The holy tradition of great masters, which
  responsible for reviving the teaching after every lapse,
  captured the minds and heart of lovers of Truth in every
  age.  It is not merely held in high regard, but has come
  be actually worshipped by seekers of Truth and knowers of
  Reality.” (p.257)
       This is religion.  I have a feeling M wishes he
  hadn’t written that.
  TM As Fundamentalism
      “It may be added that only through TM, which is the
  direct way to gain PC and rise finally to GC, can absolute
  purity be lived in daily life.” (p.312)
       This is not only religion, this is fundamentalism! 
  Maharishi presented TM as the only effective way, the
  way” to enlightenment, and himself as its messenger. 
  Being a member of the Christian evangelical community, I
  have to say that this has a familiar ring to it.

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