(Trying again with this to get the formatting right)

 The really interesting thing is how he spouts all this stuff about how human 
beings are all equal and how awful it is when some people purportedly look down 
on those with whom they disagree, while at the same time making it crystal 
clear how he looks down on those with whom he disagrees (as here).
 << And may those of us for whom TM never was a religion continue to enjoy the 
benefits of practice while ignoring those who look down on us for having taken 
a more expansive view of it.

 May those who still feel compelled to repeat the old meme "TM is not a 
religion" continue to do so. May those of us who laugh at and pity them 
continue to do so.  


 Can one be taking pity and laughing at someone at the same time? If so, what 
kind of "pity" is that? I will venture a guess and say it is not pity at all 
but complete, unmitigated scorn. With Bawwy there doesn't seem to be any middle 
ground; he either reveres something or he despises it. So much for nuance and 
intellectual sophistication. >>


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