---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 BTW, when's the last time anyone saw Barry have as extended and wide-ranging a 
discussion with someone on FFL as I've been having with Bob Price?

 First, Barry is not capable of having a discussion like the one you and Bob 
are having. Second, he doesn't have discussions. He told me a long time ago 
that he doesn't want to discuss things, he feels no obligation to respond to 
anyone. I have come to see that Bawwy uses the forum to simply deposit his 
droppings here whether we like/ask for them or not. He doesn't care and he 
doesn't consider his audience. He exists here for himself and he only posts as 
a service to his own needs and desires. He doesn't engage, he incites and he 
makes droppings.
 Ignore them, and it'll become more obvious that they don't have anything to 
say *except* ragging on someone else. 

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