I think my dad decided I had it too easy just playing for dances on weekends and making more money than my high school peer did working at burger shacks after school so he decided I should work in wheat harvest. So for two weeks I got to get up too early in the morning crawl under a WWII surplus truck and oil it. Then drive the thing around during the hot August summer and wait for the combine to fill the truck and then drive it to the grain elevator. Talk about a dirty job.

Towards the end of the two weeks I blew the engine in the truck which upset the farmer. That was until something went wrong with the combine and surprisingly I was the only one who knew how to fix it. Needless to say the fact that I blew the engine in the truck was quickly forgotten.

On 01/20/2014 07:57 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
Jobs That Suck

There are probably lots of jobs out there that suck, really suck. Like, cleaning out chicken coops in the hot summer; or laying hot black tar onto a rooftop of a commercial building; or jobs where you had to put up with jerks at work and a fat, bald headed guy that smokes a cigar. Rita used to be a Cad Drafter for Gibson Guitar in Long Beach. But, you know what they say: "You don't have to like your boss, just do what he says."


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