An experience is something that has a beginning and has an ending. That applies 
as much to "spiritual" experiences as to any other. A truly transcendental 
event is outside time and so cannot begin or end. What could that be? Well how 
about awareness itself? That never ends (even in sleep!). 
 Anyone who has engaged in the marketplace of new-age practices will have had 
"spiritual experiences" and they can be interesting - even life-changing - but 
as they can be timed by a clock they can't be the ultimate we are seeking. We 
can swap stories of what blew our minds but even as we're telling these tales 
we're back to being stone-cold sober and are relying on our memory. 
 Pure awareness is the real deal and *everyone* has pure awareness (unless they 
are dead) so learning to rest in that state and find it satisfying is worth 
more than the frantic one-upmanship you find in today's spiritual circus which 
values the exotic and the inexplicable. Krishnamurti's insistence on watching 
how our minds constantly try to escape from the mundane reality we encounter 
every moment is as important now as when he when he first began his public 

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