turq, I especially like your point about critiquing any story by its own 
internal beauty rather than its adherence to facts which are well nigh 
impossible to ascertain, especially from the dim past.

Spoiler alert:
Anyway, I thought the movie was going to focus on a writer attempting to 
maintain the integrity of her creation. That appealed to me. I was disappointed 
that it focused so much on her childhood. I'm pretty sure that my main problem 
with the movie was that I had just about zero sympathy for Ginty's father. 
Definitely my bad...

However, it is fascinating to me how she as if healed the rift between her 
father and her aunt by creating a harmonious relationship between Mary Poppins 
and Bert, who I think is the doppelganger of Mr. Banks.

On Friday, January 24, 2014 7:55 AM, TurquoiseB <turquoi...@yahoo.com> wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> yeah, noozguru, I think that post of yours went in deep. I actually did not 
> enjoy Saving Mr. Banks though I love Emma Thompson and I thoroughly enjoyed 
> the character of her chauffeur. 

Harlan's rant did not "sink in deep" for me, and thus didn't prejudice my 
viewing of the movie in any way. Partly it's because I've interacted with 
Harlan Ellison in real life, know his tendency *to* rant, and also know that 
many of his rants can be reduced to "I didn't like this story because it's not 
the way *I* would have told it." Harlan is nothing if not narcissistic, petty, 
and jealous. 

That said, he is also severely limited by the buttons that are so easy to push 
in him. He was IMO *unable* to step out of "how he would have seen this famous 
confrontation between Travers and Disney" and see it as a screenplay on its 
own, examining one person's view of the confrontation. I was, and thus was able 
to appreciate it in the same way that I appreciate "Immortal Beloved." That is, 
as a fantasy or theory about someone famous -- pure fiction, just done well, 
and coherent within its own space. We'll never know if the real-life Beethoven 
was driven by the things that the writer of "Immortal Beloved" projected onto 
him, but it doesn't matter, because the projection itself was so masterful and 
beautiful. Similarly, we'll never know what the real-life reasons Travers had 
for writing "Mary Poppins" were, but the writer of "Saving Mr. Banks" created 
IMO a pretty compelling set of theories about them. 

IMO *all* biographies and *all* autobiographies are fiction. You know that 
going in. They are *not* fact. They're the story of an individual told from a 
particular point of view. There are other POVs. 

So the game is not *about* whether it's "true to life." No one has a "source" 
for what "true to life" entails, or access to an objective POV on the subject. 
Thus the only criterion with which I approach these things are, "Is it a good 
story? Does it stand on its own, and remain consistent to its own premises and 
> On Thursday, January 23, 2014 4:43 PM, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
> What about that Harlan Ellison review on YouTube I pointed to a month ago?  
> And we get to thank Disney for the lame DMCA, oh eyepatch. ;-) 
> On 01/23/2014 01:08 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> >This is a strange movie for *me* to be reviewing, and even stranger to be 
> >reviewing positively, but react to it positively I did. After all, it's a 
> >Disney movie, and worse, it's *about* Walt Disney, someone whose 
> >sensibilities with regard to fairy tales and the dilution of them I do not 
> >admire. 
> >
> >And yet. I was charmed by many things in this film.
>                     I felt that the script was wonderfully written, and
>                     directed just as well. And there have been exactly
>                     *zero* other films this year that knocked my socks
>                     off by the strength of their "ensemble performances"
>                     the way this one did. The combination of Emma
>                     Thompson as the irascible P.L. Travers, arguing
>                     tooth and nail with Walt Disney (Tom Hanks, better
>                     than I would have imagined) over whether she was
>                     going to give him the film rights to her book "Mary
>                     Poppins" are pretty much unbeatable from start to
>                     finish. Add to them Paul Giamatti as her limo driver
>                     in L.A., Colin Farrell as her father in flashbacks,
>                     and Annie Rose Buckley as Travers herself as a
>                     child, and this is pretty much a dream cast,
>                     crafting a dream. 
> >
> >Yes, it's schmaltzy, yes, it's a bit of a tearjerker
>                     in parts, and yes, it's manipulative. But it
>                     *works*, and it's a damned pity that the Academy
>                     Awards chose to ignore it, except for its musical
>                     score. The Golden Globes, to their credit, at least
>                     nominated Emma Thompson as Best Actress, and in my
>                     opinion she acted circles around any of the other
>                     nominees, or at least the ones whose films I've seen
>                     so far. 
> >
> >The real P.L. Travers was supposedly a total bitch
>                     who, according to her own adoptive grandchildren,
>                     "died loving no one and with no one loving her."
>                     This film showed a better side of her, one that I
>                     wish the old tyrant had gotten to see in life. If
>                     she had, she might have lightened up a bit and
>                     learned to laugh at herself a bit more, and thus had
>                     a happier life. 
> >
> >

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