
 'The latest thinking in quantum mechanics is that there is only ONE electron 
in existence! How that can be the case is beyond my simple mind but it tallies 
nicely with what you're saying."


 This is a fascinating topic to contemplate.  But I'm sure there are already 
many scientists who are pursuing this area of study.

 Perhaps, quantum entanglement is the explanation as to why some rishis in the 
ancient past claimed that they had traveled to various planets in the universe 
through meditation alone.

 Given my limited experience, there are probably some meditators today who can 
attest to the possibility of traveling to the Moon and beyond through 

 Further, quantum entanglement could be the mechanism for instantaneous 
communication with sentient beings from other parts of the universe with a 
special machine or through the the human brain alone.

 Regarding spontaneous cell repair of the body, the TMO has taught in the past 
that ayurveda and mantras can repair diseases without complicated medical 
operations.  Deepak Chopra has become world famous for promoting this ancient 
method of healing.

 Ayurveda is essentially saying that the body is fully equipped to repair any 
diseases in the body, including cancer and AIDS.  The body already has the 
chemicals and antibodies to repair these diseases. 

 Supposedly, the body gets sick because the healing mechanism is out of 
balance.  They can be repaired by special herbal preparations and special 
primordial sounds or mantras. 

 Some hospitals have already recognized the value of these natural healing 
methods, such as ayurveda and accupuncture.  But allopathic medicine is still 
the main treatment method for those people who have not maintained a healthy 
style of living to prevent diseases.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Re "In scientific terms, it could be that the electron inside the retina is in 
sync with the electrons in my my brain.  Thus, my mind was able to see the 
pattern.  It could be due to quantum entanglement, which is the best scientific 
term that I can think of.":


 The latest thinking in quantum mechanics is that there is only ONE electron in 
existence! How that can be the case is beyond my simple mind but it tallies 
nicely with what you're saying.

 By the way: when I said that we are at root a one-celled creature that knows 
how to split and grow, I should also have mentioned that what else we are 
expert at is growing a pair of lungs, growing a heart, a nervous system, a 
liver, sexual organs, and what-have-you. We're walking miracles but as that 
know-how is unconscious instead we like to brag about the fact we have an MA 
from Harvard - which is chicken shit compared to our innate abilities. 
Spiritual practices (and drugs) can bring those innate abilities into conscious 
 There's a school of thinking that embraces New Thought, Christian Science and 
similar systems which claims that we only become sick because of faulty 
thinking. I suspect their intuition is spot on. Their mistake is to imagine 
that one can think one's way out of illness. You have to access that deepest 
strata of our being to effect changes. ("Knowledge is structured in 
consciousness".) There are plenty of anecdotal stories about those who have 
take psychedelics or practised TM or other spiritual disciplines who have had 
spontaneous remissions of serious maladies. It could well be that they accessed 
those deeper strata which knows instinctively what to do.
 The whole field needs to be investigated by hard-nosed scientists but there 
aren't many prepared to tackle the legal obstacles in the way of serious 

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