In the human form; 
 Another TM meditation. “Transmission Meditation” evidently in alliance with 
our TM movement. I now better understand your enthusiasm for Benjamin Creme and 
the Share-International movement. I have always felt a recognition that 
Benjamin Creme came up out of the mysticism and high spiritual virtue of the 
Society of Friends. Your long ardent support for this Share- movement makes a 
lot of sense to me now. Of course people in ignorance get so distracted by the 
appearance of material small details that they willingly dissonance but this is 
all not much different from our own TM movement in bringing light. 
 For where two or more are gathered in the light will be a, Transmission 
Meditation [TM] in the Meissner-like Field Effect of pure consciousness of the 
Unified Field as Ved  in the human physiology. Welcome in spiritual alliance, 
 More than just friends in meditation I feel like we are brothers in this work 
too.  I am glad to know you better, 
 -Buck in the Dome 
 Nablusoss writes:

 Dear Buck,


 You'll find more on the Reappearance of Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (of 
which Guru Dev is a senior member) here:

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