Thank God for that! (What you put in your last paragraph.)
On Mon, 2/3/14, salyavin808 <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amanda Knox is Found Guilty Again
 Date: Monday, February 3, 2014, 6:39 PM
       People seem to like the TM school in
 Skelmersdale. I think the parents like it because of its
 reputation for good exam results and no trouble in the
 classrooms. I wonder how much of that is down to small class
 sizes but we'll see if it gets more popular.
 send my kids there but for one thing: All the crap they
 inadvertently get taught. I was staying with friends and
 there son, who was good at maths and wanted to study
 physics, was telling his parents that he got an 'A'
 in Jyotish. I was speechless that hey are allowed to teach
 bollocks like that - probably a form of child abuse, or
 should be - I couldn't help thinking he'd have a
 hard time at a proper university with a grounding in
 cosmology as dubious as that!
 needn't have worried though as next time I saw him
 he'd rejected the whole TM mythos and is now decently
 educated elsewhere. To their credit his parents didn't
 make any fuss at all and respected his wishes to find his
 own path. Others keep believing it, I'd like to know how
 many stick with it. Don't suppose that finding out is a
 priority for the TMO.
 don't even know if they are allowed to teach it in Skem
 anymore as its funded by the government now and ought to be
 teaching the national curriculum which is unlikely to
 include astrology or yagyas. Or even levitation. 
 ---In, <mjackson74@...>
 One never knows
 what will attract some people - I met a young man the other
 day who had just graduated high school and was all pumped up
 to go to MUM - he and his mother had done the visitors
 weekend and everything. I asked how he found out about TM
 and he said he was looking at some Beatles videos on youtube
 and there was an advertisement for MUM. He wanted a
 spiritually based education and so he checked it out.
 Needless to say after an hour of talking with me he and his
 mother decided to look elsewhere for a school for him. Score
 one for the Light Side of the Force!!! What surprised me a
 good deal was in the conversation I mentioned the rajas and
 they had never heard of them. Not once during the entire
 Visitors Weekend did they see or hear anything of the rajas,
 who they are, how much it cost them to become rajas,
 nothing. Now they know about them, though as well as a few
 other little tidbits. 
 Altogether a satisfying conversation.
  On Mon, 2/3/14, salyavin808 <>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amanda Knox is Found Guilty
 Date: Monday, February 3, 2014, 4:35 PM
 FFL-UK. Yeah we could franchise it worldwide,
 I'd like to know what some of the people I met on
 international courses are doing now.
 be a bit small scale in the UK though, I don't think
 it's grown much since I left. David Lynch does a lot
 over here and I know a few people I used to work with are
 now employed doing the same thing for him. How much of a
 draw Lynch is I cannot say, I always thought that you are
 either into meditation or you aren't and that no one
 would learn because some celeb does it. But maybe I'm a
 poor judge of human nature!
 Maybe you should
 start a FFL UK group and see what happens.
 On Mon, 2/3/14, salyavin808 <>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amanda Knox is Found
 Date: Monday, February 3, 2014, 4:11 PM
 Yes, the UK is fine. Bit wet in places but
 plodding along regardless.
 TM news I'm afraid as I don't really see them any
 more. Shame as I do like the gossip, I have to read FFL to
 find out what's going on. Can't wait for the Girish
 court case, got a monster tub of popcorn for that
 That is a
 standard TM-ish reply - Bad Salyavin!
 So how are things in the UK these days, by the way?
 On Mon, 2/3/14, salyavin808 <>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amanda Knox is Found
 Date: Monday, February 3, 2014, 1:27 PM
 Ah, but MJ, just think how bad things would have
 been if they *hadn't* been gaining support from the
 unified field ;-)
 Jesus H. Christ!
 If you can see the thousands upon thousands of meditators
 who do TM and all the ancillary programs who still have
 fucked up stuff happen to them and you STILL believe in all
 this jyotish and TM stuff then Jesus H. Christ is all I can
 say John.
 On Mon, 2/3/14, salyavin808 <>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amanda Knox is Found
 Date: Monday, February 3, 2014, 9:35 AM
 But John, you are claiming you can tell what
 Foxy's situation is by her stars. Seems reasonable that
 you should be able to tell us what is going to happen
 she has to rely on the "support of nature"
 it's probably a less reliable system than Italian
 doesn't really need jyotish to figure out the
 possibilities in this case.  Amanda Knox still can
 appeal the current verdict in Italy, which I believe can be
 reversed by pure logic alone.  She can also appeal to
 the US government to deny the extradition request from
 due to human rights violation.  Further, if those
 alternatives don't work, she can sue the Italian judges
 at the Hague for human rights violation and apartheid.
 all of these appeals, she can tie up any proceedings that
 would extradite her back to Italy.
 it's also very clear that she will have challenging
 times ahead of her.  But she has no choice but to
 for her rights.  Given that she has several weaknesses
 in her chart, she needs the support of Nature to get her
 through this ordeal.  She should start meditating, if
 she has not already done so.

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