This was sent by e-mail to me by a FFL lurker.  Jim was someone I knew even 
from High school.  Was in one of my brother's grades then.  A bunch of us were 
and still are Iowa meditators from back then together.   

 "Just wondering, where else did groups go to meditate in coherence campaigning 
for peace?" 
I remember Jim Altmaier telling me about how he went to Iran.  The story was 
quite fascinating.
They were in a hotel.  It was at the beginning of the revolution--right before 
Khomeni took over.  So probably 78 or 79.
The story Jim told is that someone pounded on their door and it was some of the 
Shah's army.  They thought they had
seen a camera taking pictures from their window.  They pointed guns at them and 
threatened them until they found out
they were Americans.  Then it was "It's all right.  We're here to protect you." 
 Some time after that I know that MMY
quit sending people to trouble spots because it was so dangerous and he didn't 
want to put our precious sidhas in
danger.  I wish Jim were still with us and would tell us more about it.

 Ecuador too. Somebody contacted me today about having gone to Ecuador with a 
team testing the extended Global Maharishi Effect. 

 Anybody go on a project team to Africa?    What other countries or places?
 Anywhere else? 
 [If you are shy about posting to the list,  To reply, push reply and then push 
the little rectangular box to the upper right of the text box and thence set 
the address box to me,  
   I am always glad to hear from folks privately and I always protect my 
sources.  dhamiltony2k1 'at' will get to Buck also. ]  
 Just wondering, where else did groups go to meditate in coherence campaigning 
for peace? 
 (Iran, Rhodesia, Nicaragua) Philippines? Lebanon? Belgrade? Thailand? Around 
Soviet Russia.  Nepal . . What dates? What other places did TM movement 
meditators with bags packed go off to on these campaigns? For a period of time 
movement meditators would have their bags packed and go; small and large teams 
of meditators deployed to go meditate. I am curious where and how long the list 
of places is, and when.   Just wondering for context of history.  
 Please reply if you shipped out on one of these or know as to where they went. 
Time frame of date too. Any clandestine ones? 
 Thanks in advance, -Buck 
 “Maharishi test this formula by sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment 
to the most trouble spots on earth to create the Maharishi Effect and calm down 
 Om . 

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