As if you had the foggiest idea.

 Of course, "a simple yes or no" would be meaningless. I have no more basis for 
believing one or the other than you do.

 << > Oh, and of course you were never around Robin during his enlightened days 

 No one was. There *were* no "enlightened days." There was only Narcissistic 
Personality Disorder acting itself out.

 Or do you believe that he *was* enlightened? Please state your position for 
the record. A simple "Yes" or "No" will suffice. Anything else will be 
perceived as the evasion it is. >>
 > << What's "NPS," and how were you in a position to think Robin had it, 
 > whatever it is? 
> << As for Robin, yes I found him extraordinary in many ways. Whether he had 
> classic NPS, I couldn't say, but it sure seemed that way to me much of the 
> time. But then again, it doesn't register with me much if a person is said to 
> be enlightened or not. >> >>

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