You misunderstood him, Share (even as many times as he explained it). He called 
enlightenment per se a delusion--his, Maharishi's, anybody's. He did not say he 
was deluded to believe he was enlightened.

 << Judy, Robin himself called his alleged enlightenment a delusion. So I think 
it's inaccurate to use the phrase "enlightened days." >>

 On Friday, February 7, 2014 8:04 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Oh, and of course you were never around Robin during his enlightened days 

 << What's "NPS," and how were you in a position to think Robin had it, 
whatever it is?
 << As for Robin, yes I found him extraordinary in many ways. Whether he had 
classic NPS, I couldn't say, but it sure seemed that way to me much of the 
time.  But then again, it doesn't register with me much if a person is said to 
be enlightened or not. >> >>




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