---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote:

 On 2/9/2014 11:18 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 Which brings up a few questions:
 1. Was Robin Carlsen a TM Teacher and what course did he attend to get 
certified to teach TM?
 2. Did Robin Carlsen complete any courses at MUM, and if so, which ones?
 3. Was Robin so delusional that he actually believed he was in "union with 
God" or is this something Judy and Ann made up? So true about bringing up some 
questions, here are mine: 1. Does Ricky think this question will be taken 
seriously by anyone? 2. Does Ricky eat Weeatbix for breakfast? 3. Does Ricky 
actually read anyone's posts or just make up stuff based on things he reads on 
his Weetabix box? >
 So, you who know more about Robin than anyone else on this forum, don't know 
if Robin was a TM Teacher or not, or what if any courses he took at MUM, or if 
he actually thought he was in union with  God. 
 So, I will assume that Robin was not a TM teacher and performed no TM 
initiations in Fairfield; and like some others who post here, Robin was living 
in Fairfield but was enrolled in no courses at MUM; and that Ann and Judy made 
up the part about Robin believing that he was unionized with God. 
 Nobody could be so delusional as to actually believe that the goal of TM 
practice was to be in union with God! Go figure.
 Go re-read your cereal box, Ricky.

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