And how is that supposed to help those of us who don't have an s b c g l o b a 
l . n e t email address?
 << try again.  it is __________________ @  s b c g l o b a l . n e t   
(without the spaces) >>

 ---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote:

 Sure Judy, glad to oblige.  I have an e-mail that I use at work.  It is

 When I am logged in under that e-mail address FFL shows up under the old 
format, and I am able to read posts and use the search engine all as we used to 


 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 So Stevie, we're all still waiting for you to tell us how to access Groups 
Classic and its search feature.

 << Richard, Judy, who loves to demean people can't see to figure out how 
access the previous classic format and search feature.  >>

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