---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 You're welcome to entertain whatever fantasies you like about my life offline. 
I've said quite a bit about it in my posts; I really can't help you with your 
lousy memory. Nor can I help it if you choose to believe what Barry--who knows 
nothing whatsoever about my life other than what I've said here (and has 
repeatedly misrepresented that), and gets it wrong every time he tries to 
guess, even though he declares it as if it were established fact--has said 
about it. That's what I mean about your being out of touch with reality.

 Let's face it, anyone who uses Barry as a reference for anything other than 
what TV shows to watch is, frankly, clueless. Maybe Steve just likes to align 
himself with losers and bullies, I don't know, it's a complete mystery to me. 

 << Good on ya Judy.  You;re gonna own this forum for the next couple weeks 
looks, like.  All your favorite topics. 

 But as far as out of touch with reality? Might want to rethink that one.  From 
what we know about your life, it appears a somewhat isolated existence.  Sorry 
about that, but as I've said before, so little is known, after almost 20 years. 
 Not the the case with most anyone else here.
 Translation: Just as I predicted, he fell for it. No, Stevie-boy, you didn't 
disappoint my expectations. Anyone who thinks Barry's observations have me and 
Robin "pegged perfectly" is so out of touch with reality, he'd fall for 

 << Sort of lost my interest in this discussion Judy once I realized, (once 
again), that your "unflinching honesty" has so many conditions attached. And 
really, I think Barry's observations have you (and Robin) pegged perfectly. I 
am sorry about that and I hope I've met your expectations with my reply.  >>



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 I can't wait to see the Feeb fall for this one, even though he's perfectly 
well aware (as is Richard) that Barry typecasts himself as a troll, and I'm far 
more sinned against than sinning. If any troll deserves to be troll-baited once 
in awhile, it's Barry. 

 Would not unflinching honesty require a response to what appears to be a 
breach of this assertion, without conditions!!?

 To be honest, Steve, this post of Judy's is an example of "Trollbaiting" - the 
use of other trolls as an excuse for their own misbehavior, and in many cases, 
typecasting another user as a "troll" regardless of his or her intent.

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