This is hillarious Willy. You always give the knockout punch 
and seal the argument.

---WillyTex <punditster@...> wrote:
 Seriously, I feel like I just got mind-fucked again today. It's almost to the 
point that the button-pushers have taken over the whole newsgroup. All we want 
to do is meditate twice a day, chat with a few TMers, and support some poor 
Hindu boys over in India. Why is that so difficult to deal with? Why do 
"therapists" and "cult reformers" have to troll here to tell us what to do - 
it's a free country, we can pray and believe in anything we want to, up to and 
including that people can fly and become enlightened. Go figure.
Thanks for all the information. Maybe that impostor "Michael Jackson"
was just trolling for attention and making stuff up - we get that a lot
here from trolls and paraody-pushers. On discussion groups or bulletin
boards this type of post is called an "effect change" - stating extreme
positions to make his or her actual beliefs seem moderate. It should be
noted that this "MJ" alias is a contributor to Knapp's web site, TM-Free
blog. Go figure.
That's what I'm talking about! One of these "therapists" trolled to FFL
recently and tried to recruit some new members to his Cult of Robin. He
apparently snagged one new one to his personality cult, but some of the
former members sent him a long message telling him to stop all the
trolling and button-pushing - they didn't want to buy any more
snake-oil. What they probably need was a good cult-recovery therapist.
Go figure.
One FFL informant said she felt like she had been psychological raped"
by Robin, but the guy that really got the mind rape was Curtis, the
former leader of the TMO. Robin, posing as the "Masked Zebra", tried to
fuck over Curtis's mind with a long 300,000 word series of messages
trying to prove to Curtis that Robin got enlightened on the side of a
mpuntain and that he had become God by practicing TM and the MMY Yoga
The term "psychological rape" is frequently used in cult awareness
discussion boards to describe how some people feel when some anonymous
"therapist" tries to attack our online TMer group and tries to brainwash
us into renouncing our religion and our spiritual practice. When they
do this, we usually send them packing with a few words just to let them
know that we see through their snake-oil scams and button-pushing - we
almost always reveal them to be impostors and cranks. It's open season
on the trolls, liars, parody posters, and button-pushers! Maybe they
should all go back to TM-Free where they belong.
Well, if the post-trappers and "mental therapists" would stop trying to
push our buttons and trying to take over FFL and trying to mentally rape
our minds; if they would stop making up parodies and lying to us about
our leaders; if they would just shut their big pie holes for just a few
hours so we TMers could get in a word edgewise; - WE" COULD START THE
HEALING PROCESS. We've been getting mind-fucked for at least two years
by some anti-TM anti-MMY trolls. Thank you for posting this.
That's what it feels like alright - except we can't seem to get out of
the cesspool. Almost every post sent here goes to shit in a matter on
minutes! Almost everyday we TMers on FFL are getting mind-raped by
anonymous posters attempting to start fights with us and try to take
over our minds by posting inflammatory messages with the intent to
confuse and trap us with parodies posts and fibs and stuff. One
informant almost started a riot the other day by insinuating that the
Thanks for the information about Knapp. We've been discussing this
almost endlessly for months. We just got rid of one "therapist" who came
to this discussion group and tried to psychologically rape one of our
informants - it's been a total mind-fuck ever since! Now we not only
have to defend ourselves from the anonymous mind police posting here,
but these days even some informants from of the TM-Free are attacking us
- trying to use mind control and brainwashing techniques on us, in
order to get us to stop meditating and stop supporting some poor Hindu
boys trying to get an education up in Fairfield and over in India. Go
On 2/16/2014 10:06 AM, jchwelch@... wrote:

>     Or are you serious Richard?


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