My caveat wasn't addressed to Salyavin. And Xeno missed the point of my post 
because he's more interested in trolling than in understanding. The theistic 
concept of God is not peculiar to the Judeo-Christian religions. 
 << In posting this quotation, where did Salyavin say or even imply this was 
'an argument in favor of believing in Brahman'? There may be a category error 
in this quotation, but there is a significant context shift in the point you 
are making and the point Salyavin was making. Roberts' argument seems to apply 
to the way the typical believer thinks of the concept of god. You are making a 
different argument here, off topic. No Hindu concepts of reality were stated in 
the quotation. My guess it was aimed at the Judeo-Christian-Islamic conceptions 
of god, but even those are not specified. >> 

One example of a Christian response (which does not hit the nail on the head) 
to this very quotation is: 
 'I understand perfectly why Stephen F Roberts and Christopher Hitchens reject 
all the other gods. It is because they reject polytheism. But I don’t 
understand how this parallels to the rejection of the Christian God. It is a 
slight of hand to make such a comparison (effective as it may be). People 
believe in these two completely different things for completely different 
reasons and, therefore, must reject the two differently.  The same arguments 
used against these gods cannot be used effectively against the Christian God. 
Once polytheism as a worldview is rejected, all the millions of gods go with 
it. I don’t have to argue against each, one at a time.'  —C Michael Patton

The idea that the Christian concept god is exempt because it is special in some 
way, is not a good argument, but that does not somehow make Roberts' argument 
shine any better.

 Isaac Asimov's argument for atheism, as an example of another way to handle 
this, is not a logical one, but one of practicality:

 'Emotionally I am an atheist. I don't have the evidence to prove that God 
doesn't exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn't that I don't want to waste 
my time.'


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