It's hardly an error to ask people to prove things if they are making such big 
claims - if you are in the business of providing explanations that is.

 If the ambition of theology really is to provide arguments for the existence 
of god without ever resorting to science then it's even more pointless than I 
thought. For a start they should lop the suffix "ology" off the end. 

 It must be like painting yourself into a corner "No we can't claim that, it 
could be tested, be more oblique" Doesn't sound very satisfying to me, give me 
a decent particle accelerator any day....


---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 "No sympathy for theology" is perhaps not the best phrase here. More to the 
point would be "lack of curiosity as to what theologians are actually saying." 
Classical theists do not claim there is any scientific evidence for God--could 
not be, by definition. The demand for such by the New Atheists is a function of 
the category error that pervades their arguments. 
stand the language that theologians use.

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