I absolutely agree with your first paragraph - yet you still refuse to answer a 
very simple question. If TM and TMSP are as effective as you say they are and 
as effective as the TMO claims it is - with no negative side effects, no down 
side whatsoever, how then can such unethical behavior come from people who have 
been doing the practices regularly for decades? If TM and TMSP are as billed, 
those behaviors should have vanished long ago or never manifested in the first 
place. Yet we see a pervasive and decades long "lack of virtuous ethical 
standard" And such lack of ethics all started with your much vaunted Maharishi.
On Sat, 2/22/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Moral Behavior and TM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, February 22, 2014, 5:25 PM
       Thanks Feste37, 
 That is high praise coming
 from you and I appreciate that.  A challenge here for TM is
 while we have had a large movement of good-hearted
 meditators we evidently have also had an unethical
 managerial class
 long exercising power over the the culture of the
 organization and
 its meditator practitioners.  As a lack of virtuous ethical
 became apparent a lot of meditators of the meditating
 movement over
 time have simply melted away their support.  Our lack in
 effectiveness as an organization quietly became about the
 lack of
 ethic in management as then what was a large meditating
 walked away.  
 This same kind of lack in
 virtue of ethics is now being discovered in the officer
 corps and
 culture of the U.S. military right now and it is actively
 looked so at as to figure out why and what to do about it. 
 to be had about effectiveness.  
 To my eye that couple in TM
 India who are bringing sexual misconduct charges against
 Girish Varma
 have quite a lot of courage blowing the whistle within the
 TM world
 that they live in against a guy who is quite large in primal
 and power force as his own autocratic element in the larger
 TM organization these meditators have been dedicated
 A  reason
 that this Indian couple can challenge the horrific behaviour
 is the
 larger ethical context of Indian civil society around the
 gang rapes
 and the laws and commissions set up to assert ethical
 standard of
 rights of .  If there is a standard articulated you got a
 metric to
 work off of.  The couple has larger ethical standards
 articulated in the civil code that gives them cover.
  It will be relevant to watch how
 the US military as an
 organization re-fits its own ethical culture as we all
 figure out
 what to do with TM.org.  See this NPR report that frames the
 problem they have in the ethics of organizational culture
 within the
 military.  There are some really great short comments
 reflecting on
 culture of ethics or lack thereof:  
 Like with the military,
 it's a matter of having corporate statement about what
 is expected
 ethically and then that gives a metric to work off of. 
 Neither of
 which the TMO has ever really had.  It is time for a change
 in that going forward, 
 writes: Nothing you do can change the past, but what you do
 now can
 make your 
 good post, Buck. You are exactly
 No, no this is an old vendetta you keep. You have no idea
 what they
 are like now. Born in to life with their personalities,
 upbringings and such all these people put their pants on one
 leg at a
 time in life. You left TM a long time ago. They stayed on
 the path
 and you wandered off in to the world a long time ago. This
 is hardly
 a scientific conclusion or spiritually fair what you are
 You'd have to come back to better judge how it goes for
 these guys.
 No, you are just making excuses for railing against TM again
 of understanding these people and what makes them tick
 Their bad-behavior mostly likely had not anything to do with
 practice of TM it was just who they were. -
 Jackson wrote: 
 I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and
 Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish, the
  brothers, Susan Humphries, Cris Crowell,
 John Hagelin, Reed Martin and 
  all the lying and
 manipulation that they and other small medium and 
 managers in the TMO have done. 
 RW writes:
 what do these people have to do with your meditation?
 Buddy, you are laying it on the line here:
 "Obviously we are
 born in to this wold with nature and then there is nurture.
 moral behavior is something developed and cultured in good
 upbringing. My feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad
 that MJ in writing here for instance is so upset about in
 the TM
 community movement comes from bad upbringing and does not
 have so
 much of anything to do with whether some one meditates.
 It's mostly
 bad manners without virtue. Evidently. That's what I
 see, they are
 just being bad people for their poor upbringings and
 sometimes they
 are even immoral. Okay, that can be really bad at times on
 the part
 of some but not the normative of most folks. Just really bad
 The whole point to many of my posts here is
 that TM does not work as you claim it works. The WHOLE
 to TM all these years is that TM IMPROVES EVERYTHING! That
 is the
 claim made for it. That's the whole point to doing TM,
 improving your
 life. If one has bad upbringing, then TM can make you a
 person. Why do you think the David Lynch leeches are pushing
 so hard
 to get TM to the AT RISK populations, especially the young
 To, among other things, counteract BAD UPBRINGING!
 So if bad
 upbringing can't be negated or improved by regular
 practice of TM,
 what good is the practice? You have hoist yourself on your
 petard, Buck. You seem to be saying that if one has bad
 TM won't change the behavior that bad upbringing
 Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris,
 Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bill Sands, Neal Patterson,
 Marshy, Girish,
 the Srivastavas brothers, Susan Humphries, Cris Crowell,
 Hagelin, Reed Martin and all the lying and manipulation that
 they and
 other small medium and large managers in the TMO have done.
 you saying that all the above named individuals had bad
 You are making excuses for why TM obviously seems to work in
 for people who run the Movement.
 “improved moral reasoning”, and moral behavior. Three
 things evidently and possibly intertwined.  Obviously we are
 born in
 to this wold with nature and then there is nurture.
 Evidently moral
 behavior is something developed and cultured in good
 upbringing. My
 feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that
 MJ in
 writing here for instance is so upset about in the TM
 movement comes from bad upbringing and does not have so much
 anything to do with whether some one meditates. It's
 mostly bad
 manners without virtue. Evidently.  That's what I
 see, they are
 just being bad people for their poor upbringings and
 sometimes they
 are even immoral.  Okay, that can be really bad at
 times on the
 part of some but not the normative of most folks.  Just
 bad upbringing.
 instance, here is two minutes on improving behavior as
 learned. ..
 sensitive caring in thoughtful upbringing, in 2
 in the DomeVery good post, Buck.
 You are exactly right.
 Yep; No, no this is an old
 vendetta you keep.  You have no idea what they are like now.
  Born in
 to life with their personalities, their upbringings and such
 these people put their pants on one leg at a time in life. 
 You left
 TM a long time ago. They stayed on the path and you wandered
 off in
 to the world a long time ago.  This is hardly a scientific
 or spiritually fair what you are asserting.  You'd have
 to come back
 to better judge how it goes for these guys.  No, you are
 just making
 excuses for railing against TM again instead of
 understanding these people
 and what makes them tick otherwise.  Their bad-behavior
 mostly likely
 had not anything to do with the practice of TM it was just
 who they
 , Michael Jackson wrote:
  Specifically, I have found fault with
 Bevan Morris, Greg and Georgina 
  Wilson, Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish,
 the Srivastavas 
  brothers, Susan Humphries, Cris Crowell, John Hagelin,
 Reed Martin and 
  all the lying and manipulation that they and other
 small medium and 
  large managers in the TMO have done.
 writes:So, what do these people have to do with your
 MJackson74 writes
 Buddy, you are laying it on the line here:
 "Obviously we are born in to this wold with nature and
 then there is nurture. Evidently moral behavior is something
 developed and cultured in good upbringing. My feeling in
 watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that MJ in
 writing here for instance is so upset about in the TM
 community movement comes from bad upbringing and does not
 have so much of anything to do with whether some one
 meditates. It's mostly bad manners without virtue.
 Evidently. That's what I see, they are just being bad
 people for their poor upbringings and sometimes they are
 even immoral. Okay, that can be really bad at times on the
 part of some but not the normative of most folks. Just
 really bad upbringing."
 The whole point to many of my posts here is that TM does not
 work as you claim it works. The WHOLE FUCKING POINT to TM
 all these years is that TM IMPROVES EVERYTHING! That is the
 claim made for it. That's the whole point to doing TM,
 improving your life. If one has bad upbringing, then TM can
 make you a better person. Why do you think the David Lynch
 leeches are pushing so hard to get TM to the AT RISK
 populations, especially the young ones??? To, among other
 things, counteract BAD UPBRINGING!
 So if bad upbringing can't be negated or improved by
 regular practice of TM, what good is the practice? You have
 hoist yourself on your own petard, Buck. You seem to be
 saying that if one has bad upbringing, TM won't change
 the behavior that bad upbringing creates.
 Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and
 Georgina Wilson, Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish,
 the Srivastavas brothers, Susan Humphries, Cris Crowell,
 John Hagelin, Reed Martin and all the lying and manipulation
 that they and other small medium and large managers in the
 TMO have done.
 Are you saying that all the above named individuals had bad
 upbringing? You are making excuses for why TM obviously
 seems to work in reverse for people who run the

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