From: salyavin808 <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ejecting Quiet time meditation from our public 

When one is on TTC does one get taught the mantra meanings or taught that they 
are meaningless sounds?

A good question. On my teacher training course, we were NOT taught the real 
meanings of the mantras, only what to say when people asked about them, that 
they were "meaningless sounds."

So the lying about their origins and real meanings is NOT just to people 
learning the TM technique, it was to people learning how to teach it as well.

The puja, however, EVERYONE knew the meaning of. Thus when they told their 
students that there was nothing religious about the puja, they were lying. They 
still are, to the administrators of these "Quiet Time" schools, to the students 
learning TM, and to their parents.  

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

From: salyavin808 <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ejecting Quiet time meditation from our public 

It appears some cognitive dissonance is setting in with Jude and Willytex. Not 
sure how many times I have to say it; my mantra is in many a book on mantra's 
and translates as an invocation to the goddess Lakshmi, say it 1000 times and 
she'll come to my aid. Apparently. That's the idea anyway.

Feel free to continue saying everyone else is wrong....

Cognitive dissonance dealt with -- or rather NOT dealt with -- by paddling 
their leaky boats even further up the river Denial. Speaking as what neither of 
them is or ever was -- a TM teacher -- I confirm your contention that one can 
find *all* of the TM mantras in books of Indian mantras, along with the Hindu 
god or goddess each is
associated with, and who you invoke each time you think or say the mantra. 

But since we're talking primarily about the U.S. Constitution here, and its 
prohibition of organized religion in schools, let's remind the other non-TM 
teachers here what was invoked when they learned TM, and when any one of the 
students in these schools learns TM. TM *cannot* be taught without this 
ceremony, and without the student participating in it. All TM teachers *know* 
what it says, because they not only had to memorize the Sanskrit, they had to 
memorize the English (or their native language) version, and were told 
explicitly to "hold it lively in their minds" while chanting the Sanskrit 
version. Thus they have no excuse for pretending that it's not religious in 
both origin and intent. 

Invocation: Whether pure or impure, whether all places are permeated
by purity or impurity, Whoever opens himself to the expanded vision of
unbounded awareness gains inner and outer purity. Invocation:  To Lord 
Narayana, to lotus-born Brahma the Creator, to Vasishtha, to
SHAKTI and his son, Parashara, to Vyasa, to Shukadeva, to the great
GaudaPada, to Govinda, ruler among yogis, from him to his disciple,
Shri Shankaracharya, from him to his disciples, Padma Pada and
Hastamalaka, to him, Trotakacharya and Vartika-Kara, to others, to the
eternal tradition of our abode of the wisdom of the Shrutis, Smritis
and Purana, to the abode of compassion, to the personified glory of
the Lord, to Shankara, emancipator of the world, I bow down. To Shankaracharya, 
the Emancipator, adored as Krishna and Badarayana,
to the two authors of the commentary on the Brahma Sutras, I bow down
To both expressions of the Divine, in Shankara, I bow down again and
again At whose door the whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection day
and night Adorned with immeasurable glory, preceptor of the whole
world, having bowed to Him we gain complete fulfillment. Skilled in dispelling 
the cloud of ignorance of the people, the
bestower of happiness, the glorious emancipator, Brahmananda
Sarasvati, full of brilliance, Him I bring to my awareness. Offering the 
invocation to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering a seat to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering a ablution to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering cloth to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering sandalpaste to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offereing full rice to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering a flower to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering incense to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering light to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering water to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering  fruit to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering water to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering  a betel leaf to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering a coconut to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down Offering 
camphor light. White as camphor, the incarnation of kindness, the essence of 
garlanded by the Serpent-King.  Ever dwelling in the lotus of my
heart, Lord Shiva with Mother Divine to Him I bow down. Offering light to the 
lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering  water to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering a 
handful of flowers Guru Dev is the glory of Brahma the Creator, Lord Vishnu the
Maintainer, and the great Lord Shiva Guru is the glory of the Supreme
Transcendent personified, to Him, to the glory of Shri Guru Dev, I bow
down. The Unbounded, like the endless canopy of the sky, the omnipresent in
all creation, the sign of That has been revealed, to Him, to Shri Guru
Dev, I bow down. Guru Dev, Shri Brahmananda, Guru Dev, in the glory of the 
bliss of the
Absolute, in the glory of transcendental joy, in the glory of Unity,
the very embodiment of knowledge, who is beyond the universe like the
sky, as the goal of "that thou art" and other (Shrutis which grant
eternal unity of life). The One, the Eternal, the Pure, the Immovable, the 
Witness of all
intellects, whose status transcends thought-- the Transcendent along
with the three gunas, the true preceptor, to Shri Guru Dev, I bow
down. The blinding darkness of ignorance has been removed by the application
of the ointment of knowledge, the eye of knowledge has been opened by
Him, therefore to Him, to Shri Guru Dev, bow down. Offering a handful of 
flowers to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I
bow down. ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

Not the bija mantras.

Good point, especially when you
take the actual meaning of mantras into account.

The mantras used in TM have no semantic meaning.

Right, they just happen to be identical to some that do.


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