---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 How do you think lurkers perceive you, Barry? Just curious. Do you think they 
perceive your own behavior as repetitive, and what you focus on as largely 

 BTW, you didn't actually make the point you thought you made, because your 
"profiles" didn't come close to accurately representing the behavior of the 
people you chose as examples. Obviously, lurkers will perceive the actual 
people differently from how they perceive your crude cartoons.

 It's weird but when I read what Bawwy wrote about "lurkers" I had this 
realization that he imagines there is an audience of at least hundreds out 
there reading his stuff. I had this sense that he fantasizes that he is writing 
to masses of people who just love his "work". This was a moment of realization 
for me that partly explained what he is doing here and why he religiously posts 
every day using himself and his evolved sense of the the world and how it 
should be as the center of every subject. I'm starting to get the larger 
picture now. Maybe Bawwy thinks he's going to meet his soulmate or be asked to 
start a writing group based on the treasure trove of material he has 
contributed to FFL.

 I wrote it for fun, but also to make a point. A *lot* of people on this forum 
seem to think that they are "normal," or even admirable, and that lurkers might 
perceive them that way. Many of the people who think this way seem to be of the 
belief that what they SAY in words is how they are perceived by these lurkers. 
Given what I know about human nature, t'ain't true. They are perceived and 
evaluated on the basis of their repetitive behavior, and on the basis of what 
they seem to focus on -- day after day, week after week, month after month, and 
in some cases, decade after decade. If the lurkers feel that this *behavior* is 
odd or unusual or...let's face it, a little crazy, then they aren't going to 
think the people acting out that behavior are terribly normal.  


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