emptybill, yikes! I need a new mantra! I *accidently* looked up Leopold, etc. 
since I already knew duh duh and here's what I got. Meanings!

        * Agehananda Bharati (1923–1992), Hindu monk and Sanskritist, born 
under the name Leopold Fischer
        * Leopold Heinrich Fischer (1817–1866), German zoologist and 
        * Leo Fischer, sports editorUnless...mayhaps one of these guys likes 
turmeric on eggs??????????????????????????????

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 7:09 AM, "emptyb...@yahoo.com" 
<emptyb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Here is a mantra you can use with or without Turmeric on your eggs -
Leo-pold ...  Leo-pold
For your advanced technique you add .... Phisher ... Phisher
When you become very advanced you can add .... Duh, Duh
You'llbe claiming lighten-mint in "no-time".

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