I would say that devas are labels given to fundamental behaviors and 
connections that enlightened sages perceived as existing within themselves and 
perceived as external to themselves as well. 

 Of course, most neuroscientists are pretty confident that the only way we can 
interpret reality is based on how our brain works, so the fact that devas are 
internal and external at teh same time is an inescapable consequence of having 
a nervous system connected to physical sense-organs.

 The world is as we are simply because we can't even conceive of it being 
differently, and if an alien species with a sufficiently radically different 
nervous system and sense organs showed up, there wold literally be no ways to 
communicate about certain things. 

 Just as kittens who have lost the ability to perceive horizontal bars will 
bump into horizontal bars no matter what, we (and the aliens) would find 
certain concepts common to the other species, completely incomprehensible. 

 So devas aren't just about "physical laws," but social interactions, 
intuitions, and any/all other aspects of human existence and human perception.

 My belief is that they are "shining ones" because they are so fundamental to 
how enlightened sages perceive things that their existence as the commonality 
behind various related "things" like love, or destruction or creation or 
whatever leaps out at the sage even before the sage can label the thing that 
they are looking at/thinking about.




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