You might want to check on YouTube for videos of art-appreciation programs. 
There's probably at least a couple on Van Gogh that would help you see why he's 
considered a master. Not sure what difference it makes whether he was insane 
when he painted a particular work (he painted dozens of self-portraits, FWIW), 
or what he would think of the monetary value of his paintings today. (Or what 
any of this has to do with Bush's paintings, for that matter.) 




 I'm still puzzled at how these art critics can proclaim the works of Van Gogh 
to be artistic genius.  From what I understand, when he painted his 
self-portrait, he was already insane.  And, if he were alive today, he'd be 
astonished that his paintings are now valued in millions of dollars.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 I seriously doubt he'll sell them (he might give away a few to friends). The 
best of them will probably end up in his presidential library for the public to 

 In any case, if art collectors were to get hold of them, they'd be valued only 
as curiosities. They're hardly works of artistic genius.




 It all depends if he can sell these artworks for millions during his lifetime, 
and if the art collectors in the future would value them like those of Van 
Gough and Monet.  But I would have to give him credit for expanding his 
creative talents after leading the US into expensive war campaigns in Iraq and 

---In, <> wrote :


---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 George W. Bush has recently displayed his works of art, as shown in the link 
below.  What do you think?

 He's a better artist than he was a president.



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