I've yet to hear of physical violence associated with MMY, and the only 
allegation of rape seems to come from MMY giving Mia Farrow an unsolicited hug 
after meditation, which she agrees that she might have taken the wrong way. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


You don't believe it because it seems contradictory? Fair enough, but I think 
he was more of a superb PR man than he was a holy man. That isn't a 
contradiction. The whole flowers and white robes and celibate monk thing was a 
prop for westerners. Look at all the BS he came up with to sell TM and the 
sidhis and everything else. It's pure genius. Sure TM works as a form of 
meditation but it isn't anywhere near as good as claimed and he didn't invent 
it anyway. All of his "products" are adapted from other sources. 

 So in what way is him having a girlfriend a contradiction? Unless you fell for 
the public image, he's just one of the guys. and why wouldn't one of the guys 
make a pass at Mia Farrow?

 To be honest, I don't care whether he did or didn't. I got what I got from TM 
and had a thoroughly good time living with the movement. The whole feet of clay 
thing thing came as no surprise, in fact it should be the last lesson for any 
followers of any guru - they really are just like us. You aren't going to 
transcend human nature. But the reaction of the believers is hilarious to 
watch. Unless they're much better judges of character than me of course.....

 I think many followers of something want the whole package. They want the 
teachings to be real and true, they want the practice to be effective and they 
want their "leader" to be what they need him or her to be. It is about the 
needs of the "believers" and  little bit about everything else. I agree with 
you completely about not caring whether MMY was celibate or not, it was more 
about the practice of TM
 being useful or beneficial to me or not. But then, I was not looking for a 
teacher, I was not enamored with or even finding MMY interesting or 
charismatic. He was a little bit of a pleasant oddity for me, if anything. 
Hence, I had no desire to become a TM teacher which I think is something that 
came as a result of a sort of devotion to MMY and to the practice. I simply did 
not possess that. So, I think that if there wasn't this personal need on the 
part of the real believers for the teacher to be all the things they want him 
or her to be then they would be able to easily allow foibles within that 
teacher to exist. Having the desire for and engaging in sex does not discredit 
someone in my eyes. Raping, beating, blackmailing or otherwise proving yourself 
to be a power-hungry and distorted ass, however, does.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 4/6/2014 12:25 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 Feel free to indulge your fantasies but I'd rather not dwell on it at all if 
you don't mind...

 Obviously for a guy the best position is all in, but the point is that it 
seems totally out of character for MMY to be doing something like that with 
Judith. Where I come from. anything that is self-contradictory, does not exist. 
Almost everything said about MMY is self-contradictory, so most of what you 
read and hear is probably untrue. Unfortunately MMY isn't here to be 
cross-examined - there's nothing like the cross to get to the truth. Otherwise, 
it's all just speculation and rumor.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<punditster@...> mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 4/6/2014 10:17 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 How weird that some people think there is only one sexual position..... >
 It's all a matter of placement and positioning. But, it is kind of strange to 
think of MMY screwing Judith on a antelope skin in front of a painting of SBS, 
with a skin-boy in the next room and Ms Pittman guarding the front door. Go 


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