Anybody think maybe Barry is describing himself here? 

 No question that he thinks he has the right to say anything he wants about the 
people he's trying to "best." But it sounds an awful lot like he doesn't think 
anybody else does, especially if it's him getting "bested."

 Barry's Rules!


 I'll ignore Richard's obvious troll bait and focus on the highlighted phrase 
above. It's perfect, to describe the 'tude that a number of the confrontation 
junkies have on this forum. It's like they believe they are prosecutors in some 
cosmic court of law (or Laws Of Nature), and thus have the right to say 
anything they want about the people they're trying to "best" to challenge (and 
demean) their credibility. That alone is kinda weird, but the kicker is that 
they honestly seem to believe that the people they're trying to troll *have* to 
reply, so that they can extend the "cross examination."  

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