Same car lot, different salesman.

On 04/13/2014 10:12 AM, wrote:

Perhaps the TMO can take credit for our not having to endure what would have been /Romney's/ policies.

Oh, really? And that is your view of Obama? I remind you that when Obama was elected there was a huge celebration in the Domes in Fairfield with the TMO taking credit for his election due to yogic flying. So that should mean that since he is in office the TMO can take credit for his policies too, eh?

    On Sun, 4/13/14, nablusoss1008 <
    <>> wrote:

    Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Russia and China announce
    decoupling trade from Dollar
    Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014, 4:24 PM

    Perhaps you resent it but the Nordic
    countries have the strongest economies on this planet.
    Saying it "doesn't work very well"
    shows you unfortunately have no clue, or probably no
    interest in finding out. And you are mixing up Northern
    Europe with European economics in general which
    doesn't bid very well for a meaningful discussion.
    And are Northern European economy "not vastly
    different from North American ones" ?You could
    start by taxing the Americans at least 40% in direct taxes +
    huge indirect taxes on anything from gasoline (In Denmark
    they pay 10$ pr gallon)  to food and distribute
    that wealth for common good as free healthcare for all, 1
    year maternity leave with 100% salary for the mother, 4
    months for the father, 1 year payment of 80% of your income
    if you're laid off work and give the rest to those
    who for different reasons can't work. THEN you can start
    comparing the systems.
    I certainly wish Obama good luck. But his programs
    are too little and too late when almost 50 million Americans
    go hungry, the number of people in jails the highest of
    any developed country and they have
    the highest infant mortality rate of any
    western country.
    Perhaps he is obstructing change less than previous
    Presidents but I'm afraid Obama will be remembered
    as a wonderful speaker and not much else.

    <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

    <>, <sharelong60@...>
    wrote :

    Nablusoss, I've also heard some prediction that
    the US will go through a really difficult time and then
    return even stronger. But my guess is that it won't
    return in the form that it is now. I think there will be
    huge upheavals and many will go through transformations. So
    many that the current structures simply will fall away. At
    least that's what I'm hoping (-:

    On Sunday, April 13, 2014 6:35 AM, nablusoss1008
    < <>> wrote:

    "They will be no long term
    decline, the United States will enforce it's dominance
    over the whole world in a few short years."
    May God help us all.If you think capitalism will
    take a dip just to return even stronger than before please
    think again. It's understandable that the huge
    transformations that is coming is not yet grasped by most
    people who cling to the glamour of money and
    power.There will be no Age of
    Enlightenment, Golden Age, Age of Aquarius, New Age or
    whatever you wish to call it if the economic structures of
    this planet isn't completely restructured and gains a
    new foundation based on sharing and brotherhood. I
    doubt you are so
    foolish as to believe that the gross unbalance and
    injustice in the use and distribution of resources of
    this planet where thousands of children die every single day
    of hunger can go on indefinitely.
    Chicken or
    the egg again. I think the only way the world could be
    restructured consciously and on purpose (as opposed to this
    happening as a result of natural upheaval based on all sorts
    of other forces) would be if people were to suddenly have
    their eyes and hearts and minds open to come to truly
    respect and love others of their species. This isn't
    just going to happen because we change our economic
    structure. We can't change our economic situation until
    our viewpoints and world views change. And what is going to
    bring that about en masse?
    When Maharishi said capitalism
    will go he meant it will be replaced but didn't go into
    the details of what that will be. Benjamin Crème has
    indicated that the new system of economics that will replace
    the current financial system in the aftermath of the huge
    coming crisis (forget 1987 or 2008 think much
    worse than 1929) will be modeled along the social-democratic
    systems practiced in northern Europe.
    Well that
    is not working so well either. I would hardly call European
    "economic systems" vastly different from North
    American ones.
     And yes, it definitely
    incorporates some degree of socialism which will secure
    food, medical care and shelter for all no matter where
    you live on this planet. You might find it
    useful to get used to the idea.
    welfare and all other social programs already in place or
    being implemented as we speak. Hardly revolutionary or
    "Now that communism is gone
    the next to go is capitalism"Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 1989

    ---In <>,
    < <>> wrote :

    not a fan of American style capitalism but the reality is
    the United States is going to adapt and come out stronger
    than ever within a short time. When it comes to the current
    excesses, even the Republicans will come to realize what
    reforms they have to make in order to continue to thrive.

    NYC is Invincible, it is really the
    financial capital of the US economic system and in not too
    long America will be truly Invincible. They will be no long
    term decline,
    the United States will enforce it's dominance over the
whole world in a few short years.

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