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 Perhaps you resent it but the Nordic countries have the strongest economies on 
this planet.
 Saying it "doesn't work very well" shows you unfortunately have no clue, or 
probably no interest in finding out. And you are mixing up Northern Europe with 
European economics in general which doesn't bid very well for a meaningful 
 And are Northern European economy "not vastly different from North American 
ones" ?
 You could start by taxing the Americans at least 40% in direct taxes + huge 
indirect taxes on anything from gasoline (In Denmark they pay 10$ pr gallon)  
to food and distribute that wealth for common good as free healthcare for all, 
1 year maternity leave with 100% salary for the mother, 4 months for the 
father, 1 year payment of 80% of your income if you're laid off work and give 
the rest to those who for different reasons can't work. THEN you can start 
comparing the systems.

 I certainly wish Obama good luck. But his programs are too little and too late 
when almost 50 million Americans go hungry, the number of people in jails the 
highest of any developed country and they have the highest infant mortality 
rate of any western country. 

 Perhaps he is obstructing change less than previous Presidents but I'm afraid 
Obama will be remembered as a wonderful speaker and not much else. 

 I've sent this message before but perhaps it was ditched by the "new internet 

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