Nablusoss, here in the states some FFers hie off in winter to a place in 
Florida called Vero Beach. Probably not as nice as Nice (-:
Anyway, yes the meeting was good, though it went a little too late for my 
preference. imo Dr. Nader embodies a loving heart and brilliant mind and down 
to earth practicality. I think Maharishi chose wisely when he chose him.

On Friday, April 18, 2014 7:20 AM, nablusoss1008 <> 

Very nice report Buck, thanks for posting. I'll soon have a community meeting 
myself in Nice where I'm contemplating buying a house. Seems there are quite a 
few meditators down there in the sun :-)

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Was a Nice meditating community
meeting.  Non-meditators and townies would not have understood a lot
of it.  Though nothing was said that they could not have heard.  It
had some meditation news, some theoretical type of knowledge
related to consciousness and meditation, some celebration, John Hagelin was a 
fun and
witty MC, Bevan called in with some  nice comments.  We all got to
sing the TM happy birthday song at a point in the end to our
university's vice president.  It was all nice.   Maharaja Adhiraj
Rajaraam, CEO of all of TM, acquitted himself very well.
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam and some of our TM Raja arrived in
full regalia, in the hats and outfits having been driven to the Dome
in their stretch limo.  Context.
After Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
was introduced briefly he spoke fondly of the Domes in Fairfield and their
purpose.  After that he turned to the open microphones for questions
to answer.  A usual sequence of  touched community characters jumped
to the mics.  Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam did a really fine job of
handling that.  Earlier in the day in town asking and surveying
around what questions people would like to have asked of
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, in rapid-fire people easily asked
about the lack of transparency and financial statements, our
relationship with Girish Varma, the Pundits, the Domes.  Other than
the fact that none of these questions or concerns of substance got
much of a chance to be asked it was a good meditator meeting.  He
said he'll be back,
Jai Guru Dev,


This meeting tonite is incredibly extremely really important for
all of Transcendental Meditation.
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, CEO of all of TM, will speak to the meditating 

Meeting with the Fairfield Meditating Community
In the Golden Dome this Thursday evening, April 17, 
starting at 8:00 p.m.

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