This is all an interesting consideration about Transcendental Meditation. Very 
much like Brahmananda Saraswati, our Guru Dev, meditators here 
characteristically are very practical, down to earth and real in their 
spirituality. You have read the discourses of Guru Dev, Maharishi's teacher? 
People here are quite experienced spiritually. For instance meditators well 
know that if there is no useful shakti in something presented as spiritual then 
they will mostly go on to the next satsanga. Yes, there is a wide 
disheartenment in the old community of TM teachers and meditators with the 
specialness a Raja stick in TM. Even the is hiding the gold foil hats 
and robes of the Rajas. What were they thinking coming in to that meeting in 
full regalia? Certainly they considered it. That would have been a good 
question to have asked of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam [MAR], CEO and Teacher of 
all of TM from the open Microphone at the meeting and heard an explaination of 
their need to wear that stuff in public. Nablusoss, you seem to have been 
around that more than anyone posting here. Maybe you can take a whack at the 
reasoning that they would come to visit America dressed like that. After 
morning meditation right now I got some work today with my livestock to move 
them out to green pastures and I don't got time towards to representing that 
POV on behalf of them here. Alex is related to it, may be he has some insight 
about the 'why' of gold foil hats. It is a question everyone asks about the 
meeting, “did they wear the hats?”. Notably, John Hagelin did not wear that 
stuff. That proly took some guts. Personally I am partial to a golden straw 
Amish broad brimmed hat for summer work. 
 Out standing in his fields,




 mjackson74 writes:
 God Almighty, what can you say to such shit thinking. Rather than being small 
minded, it shows they have retained some independence of thinking and have not 
been completely ruined, but you Nazi minded fellow who goose steps in lock step 
with whomever you think is the biggest cheese on the block want to say there is 
something wrong with their "practice" - and it all boils down to whomever Benjy 
Creme, a shameless fraud himself who ripped off his schtick from CW Leadbeater, 
designates as the Big Cheese. But you are right - there is something wrong with 
their practice - they are doing a mediocre meditation which is really a Hindu 
devotional practice designed to get Hindu gods to give 'em a whole bunch of 
stuff. Looks like the Hindu gods gave 'em the booby prize when they "blessed" 
them with the rajas.


 Nablusoss1008 writes:

 Buck, if they are so
 small-minded about how someone dress (!) something must
 be not right with their practice. Such a narrow-mindedness is unhealthy and 
indicates that something not right is going
 on in the top floor. I can't understand how they can
 express such silliness, take a look at what the Indians just
 did: people in
 Fairfield really, really needs a checking to get out of
 those small boundries which obviously are bothering them.
 You know that group-checkings are easy to do, why don't
 you organize it ? 
 Yes, the Raja part
 of TM is such a small
 circle in TM and of the larger TM community but people do
 wonder if they
 are going to keep doing it. When you talk to meditators in
 community there is a general disheartenment that those guys
 wear that
 stuff representing the movement and the meditating community
 Generally you ask people here if they are meditators and the
 meditators respond saying, “yes, but not that.. .”,
 pointing in
 the general direction of campus and Vedic
 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming
 to Fairfield!
 out in the Dome entry area
 and on the sidewalks to the parking areas as the meeting
 closed and
 people left: a big WTF reaction was, that they actually
 the gold foil hats and robes and stuff. I can't say
 that Alex's
 brother or some of those others following after
 Maharaja Adhiraj
 Rajaraam also in full regalia did not necessarily look or
 particularly ethereal in the cult outfit. Though that
 just been the bad light on them. It did sort of look and
 feel like 
 The Return of the King set for The Lord of the
 It was just a little narcissistic. 
 However, Hagelin and our other movement dignitaries seated
 on stage
 facing the crowd were dressed secular in suits and such. 
 was dignity and was all more corporate than cult. Lots of
 people with high-mindedness and well-intentioned. Deserves
 only a
 watching and of course transparency to see. It was a good
 meeting of
 the remaining meditating community.
 -Buck in the Dome
 mjackson74 asks:
 did he say about the relationship of the US movement to
 he was not asked about that so did not get to that.
  Uptown that readily gets asked by meditators but it
 was not asked last night for him to comment on.
 spoke about that.   That as a larger community
 Is still unresolved, as in not spoken
 to. -Buck
 Nablusoss, here in the states some
 FFers hie off in winter to a place in Florida called Vero
 Beach. Probably not as nice as Nice (-:
 Anyway, yes the meeting was good, though it went a little
 too late for my preference. imo Dr. Nader embodies a loving
 heart and brilliant mind and down to earth practicality. I
 think Maharishi chose wisely when he chose him.
 Very nice report Buck, thanks for posting. I'll
 soon have a community meeting myself in Nice where I'm
 contemplating buying a house. Seems there are quite a few
 meditators down there in the sun
 Meeting.Was a Nice
 meditating community
 meeting. Non-meditators and townies would not have
 understood a lot
 of it. Though nothing was said that they could not have
 heard. It
 had some meditation news, some theoretical type of
 related to consciousness and meditation, some celebration,
 John Hagelin was a fun and
 witty MC, Bevan called in with some nice comments. We all
 got to
 sing the TM happy birthday song at a point in the end to
 university's vice president. It was all nice. 
 Maharaja Adhiraj
 Rajaraam, CEO of all of TM, acquitted himself very well.
 Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam and some of our TM Raja
 arrived in
 full regalia, in the hats and outfits having been driven to
 the Dome
 in their stretch limo. 
 Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
 was introduced briefly he spoke fondly of the Domes in
 Fairfield and their
 purpose. After that he turned to the open microphones for
 to answer. A usual sequence of touched community
 characters jumped
 to the mics. Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam did a really
 fine job of
 handling that.  Journalistically,
 earlier in the day in town asking and surveying
 around of what questions people would like to have asked of
 Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, in rapid-fire people easily
 about the lack of transparency and financial statements,
 relationship with Girish Varma, the Pundits, the Domes. 
 Other than
 the fact that none of these questions or concerns of
 substance got
 much of a chance to be asked it was a good meditator
 meeting. He
 said he'll be back,Jai Guru
 meeting tonite is incredibly extremely really important for
 all of Transcendental Meditation.Maharaja Adhiraj
 CEO of all of TM, will speak to the meditating
 with the Fairfield Meditating Community In the Golden
 Dome this
 Thursday evening, April
 17, starting
 at 8:00
 p.m. . . 

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