Buck, I probably won't forward your additional and very interesting comments to my friend. At this point, I'm leaving it up to Rick meister (-:
On Sunday, May 18, 2014 9:23 AM, "lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote: Maybe Rick can obtain a portable EEG machine and see what the EEG coherence of each awkened person is like. My guess is that there are going to be distinct differences between traditions, and there will be, if you look closely enough, differences in "experience" as well. For example, TMers describe things in terms of "Self." I've seen interviews where the person claims to have no self at all. This fits with the fact that TM enhances the connectivity between the self centers of the brain and the rest of the brain, while many practices actually disrupt it. L ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote : Buck, a friend is working on Rick's categories at his request and I'll forward your comments to him. On Sunday, May 18, 2014 6:33 AM, "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote: In range and distribution of illumined Batgap interviewees by types, just throwing these Batgap illumined people interviewed thus far on a scatter graph by their experience and spiritual affect on others, it seems observable that some of the awakened are more proactive in affect as teachers, some are long time practiced at helping others spiritually and/or transformational for others just by being of a field effect of presence. Some of them are teachers in nature of character, while some may glow in the closet and watch sort of like Harri by experience was for so long. Others transformational in effect like a Janet Sussman also from childhood or Connie Huebner from younger or Ammachi from way back, yet different from glowing in the closet each in their lives have been engaged teaching in formats with spiritual experience, techniques and scholarship to be of help to others for much of their lives, Batgap is a fabulous oral archive around this range of spiritual possibility within humanity based on a scale of abiding experience and spiritual transformational affect. It is useful for parsing to see them in a range and distribution of, Teachers -Gurus -Sat Gurus -Jagad Gurus by scale of transformational affect. Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Note to Rick, Conderning his interview with Sam Harris As you get to Sam Harris, he evidently may be a fantastic intellectual but don't just give him free air time without finding out more about his spiritual experience inside his constructs of thinking. -Buck in the Dome Om, Rick as you are proly experiencing in these Batgap interviews, someone becoming a 'guru' in culture can be different than someone abiding in spiritual experience. In a range and distribution of spiritual folks some can become 'gurus' by virtue of just scholarship alone without even much abiding experience. Others by virtue of ability to teach and talk spiritual technique, or others with having an abiding spiritual transformational effect for others by spiritual field affect. Sat-gurus it would seems would be good at combinations in all three: 1)scholarly, 2)knowledgable and good with techniques, and 3) with field effect of spiritual healing and help in Being. It would be nice to learn where Sam Harris in experience is in effect with this scale as he is becoming a famous talking head in culture. Some people evidently can become cultural gurus just by virtue of their intellectual understandings even without experience. Rick, invite Sam Harris to come to Fairfield to join us in our home of all Knowledge for the Batgap interview. That could be good for stirring the deeper discussion of spiritual experience and figure out if his is an abiding one. -Buck What is his spiritual experience around this that would allow him to be on Buddha at the Gas Pump anyway? > >>>>>punditster writes: Buck, I think the key word here is "Buddha"- maybe Harris is a practicing "Buddhist". Go figure. There are some who would label all Buddhists atheists, but that is not really correct. Buddhists admit that there are many entities in the universe that can't be seen by man. Millions of Buddhist worldwide consider the gods to be sacred. But, these entities are not capable of offering Buddhists the saving grace, because they are not enlightened. A Buddhist believes in enlightenment - that's why they are referred to as "Buddhists"- enlightenment is not dependent on deities to instill the gnostic insight. There are clear parallels between the Vajrayana and the Vedanta point of view. It's not complicated. Buck, I think the key word here is "Buddha"- maybe Harris is a practicing "Buddhist". Go figure. There are some who would label all Buddhists atheists, but that is not really correct. Buddhists admit that there are many entities in the universe that can't be seen by man. Millions of Buddhist worldwide consider the gods to be sacred. But, these entities are not capable of offering Buddhists the saving grace, because they are not enlightened. A Buddhist believes in enlightenment - that's why they are referred to as "Buddhists"- enlightenment is not dependent on deities to instill the gnostic insight. There are clear parallels between the Vajrayana and the Vedanta point of view. It's not complicated.