Barry hit the nail on the head. This post is pure gold. 

The idea of enlightenment that MMY states in his commentary in the Gita and 
elsewhere is the underlying driving force behind the race to enlightenment for 
the majority of meditators, that 
and the supposed end of suffering, acquisition of power, and acquisition of 

It would be interesting to conduct a survey of people at MUM and ask them to 
rank these goals in order of importance to them.

And in fact it is this description of enlightenment and what people in 
enlightenment experience and how they behave that convinces me that Marshy was 
in fact NOT enlightened. 

His assertion that an enlightened man lives a cosmic life, that his actions are 
cosmic actions that his thoughts are God's thoughts, his desires are God's or 
Cosmic desires. This was accompanied by a lifetime of behavior that included 
lying to people personally and to large groups, taking money under false 
pretenses, i.e. financial fraud, using his female followers for his sexual 
pleasure and lying about being a life long celibate, showing anger, irritation, 
and other emotions that one would not associate with enlightenment and showing 
not only contempt for others but a clear lack of concern as to how his actions 
affected others. 

Either he wasn't enlightened according to his own definition of same, or his 
brand of enlightenment is worthless. 

The idea which is nearly universally present amongst both the eastern guru 
movements and the new age and Eckhart Tolle style "I am awakened, not 
enlightened" crowd that being enlightened or awakened has nothing to do with 
behavior is complete bullshit. 

It is used as an excuse by people who want to do as they please and take 
prideful credit for themselves by claiming that as an awakened or enlightened 
person they are beyond all considerations or that their actions are cosmic 

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 
To: "" <> 
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 4:24 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] "Not Repsonsible"

There are many things that still surprise me about the things that long-term TM 
TBs believe and that I no longer believe, but I admit to having been somewhat 
taken aback yesterday at Lawson's seemingly unquestioning acceptance of what he 
was told about the nature of enlightenment. That is, that (according to MMY) 
once one is enlightened, a person cannot possibly do any wrong, because all of 
their actions are "run" by God, or the Laws Of Nature, or whatever/whomever 
they believe is pulling the strings. 

I personally consider this belief THE most negative and THE most destructive in 
all of the "spiritual" mythologies that have built up around the concept of 

And I say this *knowing* where the belief comes from. It comes from the 
subjective experience of a brain fart that makes one feel as if one is "not the 
doer." THAT, plus the experience of having some dissociative "distance" from 
one's thoughts and actions that one has been taught to associate with 
"witnessing" have been the cause of most of the bad things that have taken 
place in the history of the pursuit of enlightenment. 

The fascinating thing from my point of view is that this particular brain fart 
can be created in a laboratory, through the use of medications, or by
 overloading the normal electrical impulses of the brain by stronger impulses, 
applied to certain areas of the brain. When this happens, the subject begins to 
feel as if they are "not the doer," and that something ELSE is "running 
things." All because of an induced brain fart. Enlightenment traditions that
 glorify this brain fart teach that this mysterious "ELSE" is God, or the 
workings of the "Laws Of Nature," and thus anything the person in Brain Fart 
Consciousness "finds themselves doing" while in this "not the doer" state is 
the RIGHT thing, the GODLY thing, the PERFECT thing. 

I -- having experienced this brain fart myself many times -- call bullshit. 
Brain Fart Consciousness is Just Another State Of Attention. It is no "better" 
or "higher" or "superior" than any other. People just believe it is because 
they've been TAUGHT to believe that. 

If they had never heard any of the myths of the enlightenment traditions, and 
had just stumbled upon this brain fart themselves, they would probably consult 
a psychiatrist, who would diagnose their condition as dissociation. But they 
HAVE been taught that this "witnessing" brain
 fart is not only a form of "Something good is
 happening," it's the BEST form of something good happening. It's an indicator 
-- in their brainwashed minds, that is -- of enlightenment. 

And why? Because, in my opinion, these people long for a state in which they 
can consider themselves Not Responsible for anything they do. 

The 60s comedy group The Firesign Theater used to do some great routines based 
on this concept. "Park and Lock It -- Not Responsible." The whole idea is that 
the person selling something or doing something is Not Responsible for whatever 
happens to those buying it. People who believe in this Brain Fart Consciousness 
model of enlightenment seem to feel that they can do or say ANYTHING and *get 
away with it* because it's not really *them* doing it. It's God, or 
enlightenment, or the Laws Of Nature. THEY are off the hook. 

The thing is, I don't think
 either the material world OR the more sensible world of enlightenment work 
that way. The person in the lab who has had this "not the doer" brain fart 
induced may FEEL as if their actions are being performed by someone/something 
ELSE, but THEY'RE NOT. If a subject in such an experiment, completely convinced 
that they were "not the doer," chose to do something like rob a bank or kill 
someone, they would be convicted in a court of law faster than shit through a 
goose. And rightly. What they "feel" about "who" or "what" is pulling the 
trigger is simply not in question. If it was their finger on the trigger, THEY 
are responsible. 

But in spiritual communities who have been conditioned to believe the SAME 
myths about "what enlightenment means," people who claim to be in this 
witnessing Brain Fart Consciousness do and say stuff every day that the people 
around them *let them get away with*,
 because these toadies have
 been taught to believe the same myth. 

People who have claimed to be enlightened have committed crimes, have raped 
people, have lied, have smuggled money across international borders, and have 
done any number of other heinous deeds, and their followers not only *let them 
get away with it*, they make excuses to justify these actions. All because all 
of them have been brainwashed with this idea that once a person has become 
enlightened, that person is Not Responsible any more. Being enlightened 
"trumps" any notions of law or morality or even decency. Whatever the person in 
Brain Fart Consciousness "finds themselves doing," that is RIGHT, PERFECT, a 
veritable manifestation of the Laws Of Nature. 

You'll have to forgive me if I find people who believe in this model of 
enlightenment pitiable. What a low-rent "goal" in life
 -- aspiring to be no longer responsible for one's
 own words and actions. It's IMO the lowest of "low hanging fruit" in all of 
spiritual mythology. 

In my view, every human being is COMPLETELY responsible for his or her actions 
at all times. There is *never* a state of consciousness in which this is not 

Those who try to convince you otherwise are trying to get away with something.

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