Demeaning the TMO is one thing. Demeaning the TMers here is quite another. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Funny thing this, I do TM twice a day and have never felt demeaned by a Barry 
rap on the TMO, in fact I agree with a lot of it as I worked there too and saw 
much unwitting (perhaps) cultish behaviour and plain gullibility and stupidity 
from my fellow devotees.  

 Much of B's three posts on the subject today rang true, I know people still 
who don't do exercise because they think it will "stress" them in some way. I 
knew people who believe the secret to long life is not breathing too much. 

 Seems to me that you can believe whatever crap you like about meditation and 
enlightenment, it won't make it any more or less likely. You've got it or you 
haven't I suspect.


---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 The reason you get attacked, Barry, is that you're so fucking nasty in sharing 
your great wisdom with us. You make all kinds of gratuitously demeaning 
assumptions about the TMers here, many if not most of which are simply not 
true; and you consistently exalt yourself as superior. Plus which, many of your 
"ideas" are shallow and poorly thought out, not to mention repeated over and 
over and OVER again. 

 You pretend to be doing all this to be helpful, but that's bullshit. You do it 
because you get off on insulting people. You may have "earned the right" to 
challenge ideas, but you haven't earned the right to dump on the people who 
hold them.




 Here's the FFL dynamic, as I see it. I and a few others labeled as critics 
make a few statements challenging the sense of elitism and entitlement and 
"specialness" that TMers have been taught to feel about themselves. They react 
*not* to the actual points we raise, but by attacking us personally, and trying 
to "get" us. And by trying to encourage others to attack us, too. We challenge 
*ideas*, and they try to attack *us*. 

I am merely presenting alternative points of view on a number of subjects 
relative to the world of meditation, self discovery, and pursuit of that crazy 
thing some call enlightenment. They are in fact often my points of view, 
although they are not always my *only* points of view on the subjects. I feel I 
have *earned* these points of view on the basis of long experience with TM, the 
TMO, with other spiritual traditions, and as the result of a lifetime's worth 
of questioning pretty much *everything* and attempting to see it in new and 
interesting ways. 

I contend that trying to "shoot the messenger" rather than dealing with the 
message itself is a pretty puny and lazy-ass way of presenting oneself as 
"spiritual." If that's the only intellectual tool these TMers have in their 
arsenal after all these decades of practice, it really doesn't say much about 
the value of the TM technique and philosophy, does it? 


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