Beautiful photo, Emily and to Richard too, this dualism is certainly true of 
one level of reality. But I'll go with Maharishi on this and he has explained 
that even in every cell of our body, at the deepest level, Purusha IS Prakriti. 
This is sometimes depicted by those sacred pictures from India in which one 
half of the body is male and one half is female.

On Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:28 PM, " [FairfieldLife]" 
<> wrote:

This description considers them separate, reflective of a dualistic philosophy. 

"In the Samkhya tradition there is purusha and there is prakriti, and these two 
are as separate as the clockmaker and the clock. Purusha is the soul, the Self, 
pure consciousness, and the only source of consciousness. The word literally 
means "man." Prakriti is that which is created. It is nature in all her 
aspects. Prakriti literally means "creatrix," the female creative energy."  

Purusha & Prakriti
       Purusha & Prakriti  
Purusha & Prakriti Samkhya and the Classical Yoga of the Yoga Sutras are 
dualistic philosophies. Very few yoga teachers today  realize this.   
View on     Preview by Yahoo    

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Richard, I still disagree with you about this alleged separation of Purusha and 
Prakriti being the ultimate goal of yoga. Maybe it's a temporary goal but I 
think the ultimate goal is to realize that Purusha IS Prakriti. Even in this 
quote, the  word power I think, refers to Prakriti. So the quote is saying that 
Prakriti settles into Purusha.  

On Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:12 PM, "'Richard J. Williams'
punditster@... [FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

The goal of Raja yoga is kaivalya
(isolation) of the Purusha from the prakriti.

"Or, to look from another angle, the power of pure
consciousness settles in its own pure nature." — Kaivalya
Pada: Sutra 35.


On 6/1/2014 4:27 PM, cardemaister@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>The English word celibacy derives from the Latin caelibatus,
"state of being unmarried", from Latin caelebs,
meaning "unmarried". This word derives from two Proto-Indo-European stems, 
*kaiwelo- "alone" and *lib(h)s- "living".[7]
> kaivalya  n. (fr. %{ke4vala}) , isolation
Va1m. ; absolute unity Veda7ntas. BhP. ; perfect
isolation , abstraction , detachment from all other
connections , detachment of the soul from matter or
further transmigrations , beatitude MBh. KapS.
Sa1m2khyak. &c. ; for %{vaikalya} Ra1jat. vii ,
1149 ; (mf(%{A})n.) leading to eternal happiness or
emancipation MBh. xiii , 1101. 
>kevala , f. {I} (later {A}) exclusive, belonging only to (gen. or
dat.); alone, simple, pure, mere; whole, entire, each, all. --- & n.
adv. only. {na kevalam} -- {api} not only--but also.
>But can celibacy make one feel sick, especially around
the prostata?


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