On 6/10/2014 11:27 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, thanks for your support. Hope you and Rita are well and happy. Raining the proverbial cats and dogs here. But we needed it so it's all good (-:
Like. Rain very good. I hope it's not just a trick. Rain can be very useful, not to be very picky about it, but not extreme rain. Not. Good. Can be tricky. That's how I feel. I think we should meet up sometime in Sedona, AZ - Rita says hello. Yes or no? Simple. It's not complicated. Go figure.

On Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:58 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

On 6/10/2014 8:34 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com <mailto:awoelfleba...@yahoo.com> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <punditster@...> <mailto:punditster@...> wrote :

On 6/9/2014 7:58 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... <mailto:sharelong60@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    > Ann, I have already written an explanation of why I find the
    > rasa/bhava info useful.

Do you think Ann doesn't understand that emotions and inner feeling play
a large role in our lives, or does she just want to nitpick? Empty was
trying to tell her that there is another path to the Godhead - the path
of devotional service. It's every bit as valid as the impersonal path.
Apparently she didn't understand it. Maybe it's just too complicated for
her to understand - or maybe she doesn't want to understand - go figure.

You're hilarious. Someone (Share) telling me a post was "useful" gives me absolutely no insight as to why, it only tells me someone/she finds it so. That is hardly an explanation. Is it an explanation to you for me to say I find this post of yours "useful" and not tell you why or how it is useful? All you are doing is guessing what Share meant and adding filler and conjecture. You don't know in what way she found empty's mention of the emotion of anger useful. But I was only curious to know what Share found useful, she is not going to spill the beans so movin' on. I just find it strange that she won't back up her statement with any explanation. It's like I'm asking her to tell me her deepest, darkest secret or something.
What I find strange is the nitpicking on Share by you, Emily and Judy. It looks like to me that the nitpicking on Share is just plain JELLOSE. I could be wrong about this, but that's what it looks like to me. In fact, it's starting to kind of look like you are becoming a mini-me of Judy. I hope this message has been useful to you. I'm not trying to pick on you, just wondering what it is that makes you guys so intent on picking on Share. Maybe one of you could help us out by explaining this. Thanks.

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