Thanks!  I am in my waking state and must tend to the tasks in front of me 
today.  My flapper valve on the toilet cracked - I believe I am going to 
purchase a new one and try and fix it if I can figure out how to turn the water 
off. :)

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 No, waking state is what you are experiencing once you wake up until you fall 
asleep again at the end of the day, or if some other happening occurs, such as 
an accident that renders you unconscious or otherwise impaired (being drunk 
perhaps). Waking alternates with sleep and dreaming states. That's all. 
Spiritual traditions sometimes intimate there are other states of experience 
that are 'more awake' or different than waking.

---In, <emilymaenot@...> wrote :

 My eyes cracked open and I became conscious of the sound of my daughter's 
voice asking me if I would write her a check for school. I realized I was alive 
another day and that light was streaming through the window.  I said a little 
prayer of gratitude and began to wonder if I had the skill set to fix the 

 What, the moment of waking up is called the waking state? 

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 What happened when you woke up this morning? 

---In, <emilymaenot@...> wrote :

 Re: "You guys can't even figure out waking state, huh? LOL"  Would anyone be 
willing to define "waking state" for me as it is discussed on this forum?   



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