From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

"Now, please, please, pretty please, go away."

Yet another unfulfilled desire. Whatever happened to those magical, enlightened 
powers of yours that give you (paraphrasing your own words) the "ability to 
fulfill all of your desires?" Did the warranty period on these powers expire, 
or did
they -- like your other claims of enlightenment -- never exist in the first 

For that matter, what happened to all of those descriptions of the enlightened 
that folks here were given by Maharishi about "line on water," and how the 
enlightened are so unattached that nothing bothered them? Surely one of those 
enlightened folks wouldn't get so upset by something some stranger on the 
Internet said that they'd have to plead with the person to GO AWAY,

Frankly, it seems that the person being "discredited" here is the person 
posturing as enlightened, while unable to walk the talk of enlightenment. YOU, 
after all, are the person whose panties are so in a bunch that you're pleading 
with someone whose posts bother you to GO AWAY. Sure doesn't sound very 
"enlightened" to me. Heck, it doesn't even sound very manly...more like a whiny 
little pussy saying "Go away and stop saying all these true things
about me...I don't like it and if you don't stop I'm going to hold my breath 
until I turn blue!" 

At least then you'd be more like Krishna...  :-)  :-)  :-)

I'm pretty sure I read that enlightened people experience everything in the 
world as being themselves, therefore it isn't possible for you to go away and 
why would InfiniJim want you to anyway, how could he possible be annoyed at a 
part of himself? The behaviour I would expect him to display is complete 
understanding not knee-jerk anger, and then how about preventing enemies before 
they arise? That ought to be small beans to someone in such a rarified state.

Something here doesn't make sense, maybe he's annoyed that we don't 
automatically accord him respect like they all did to Marshy....

It really *doesn't* seem to make much sense, does it? After all, Little Willy 
has made almost 7,000 posts ragging on me because he's so jealous that I and a 
few hundred other people saw someone levitate and he didn't. You don't see *me* 
getting all uptight about this and throwing tantrums the way Jim does, do you? 
And I'm not even enlightened. :-)

It sure seems to me that someone who was actually enlightened wouldn't be the 
record-holder back in the "posting limits" days for spending the most days "on 
the bench," unable to post because he so lacked control that he couldn't count 
to 50. It seems to me that someone who was actually enlightened might not be as 
concerned about what other people think of his fantasies as Jimbo is. It seems 
to me that a person who was really so enlightened that he can fulfill ALL of 
his desires might have found a way to "manifest" his dream house rather than 
live in a trailer park reading the real estate ads. 

NONE of this act seems to make sense. 

Unless you consider all of it the delusions of a particularly attention-starved 
old guy having a post-retirement crisis, that is. Then it makes perfect sense.

Oh well...he's always got the BATGAP forum. They'll believe ANYTHING over 
there.  :-) 

 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ENLIGHTENMENT MYTHS

I am not "claiming enlightenment experiences for attention". You have already 
been thoroughly discredited, as an ex-TM teacher, on here, with no clue about 
enlightenment; what it is, and your two weeks lifetime witnessing, bolstering 
your ego, like a counterfeit hundred dollar bill in your back pocket.

You are smarting from the demonstration you have inadvertently given, over the 
last few weeks, of how little you know, and how much of what you say is absent 
of any kind of facts, or intelligent reason, regarding enlightenment. Your 
decades with spiritual teachers have been largely a waste of time, and you are 
here to bleat and whine,
looking for a target, when it is right in front of you, staring back at you, 
from your bathroom mirror.

You can continue in your endless campaign to champion all of the delusions and 
ignorance of waking state. Just be honest about it, and quit trying to blame 
your sorry ass life, on me, Barry. I had nothing to do with it.

Thanks in advance.  Now, please, please, pretty please, go away. :-)

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Judy, imo Robin
slimed himself when he wrote a post and signed Curtis' name to it. You and 
others slime yourselves when you don't acknowledge that this was wrong to do; 
when you in fact cheer about it and or make light of it.  

Ah Share, love does funny things to people. Judy's ego is obviously out of 
control and she thinks that being close to Robin makes her the sort of big deal 
she obviously thought Robin was. Having to feel like you are special around 
here is seriously odd behaviour IMO.

It's all those highly flattering emails I'll bet. Lonely old woman gets charmed 
by a smoothie like Robin - she didn't stand a chance. We should all feel sorry 
for her.

While I agree with the "we should all feel sorry for her" thang, I might 
propose another theory about this scenario. 

What if these supposed emails from Robin NEVER HAPPENED? What if, instead, Judy 
developed an obsession on him the way
some stalkers do on celebrities and started stalking *him* -- not only on FFL, 
attempting to do so in email?

Given her nearly 20-year history of stalking people she's developed an 
obsession with, isn't it possible that she -- like Jimbo imagining his 
"enlightenment experiences" to puff up his ego and get a little attention in 
the only way he knows how -- developed an obsession on Robin and started 
*imagining* that she had a "relationship" with him? I think we can all accept 
that, given the way she obsesses on him now, Judy wrote a number of stalking 
emails *to him*, professing her love for him and assuming he'd write back 
declaring his similar undying love for her. But what if he *never wrote back*, 
and Judy is just hallucinating all of this?

Makes sense,  doesn't it? It also adds another element to Robin turning tail 
and running away from FFL. What if he were not just high-tailing it after
realizing that he couldn't suck Curtis into another one of his abusive 
confrontations, but was taking advantage of that
cover story to get away from *Judy*, whose emails were getting creepier and 
creepier by the day? I mean, the guy was probably growing afraid that she'd 
stalk him physically to Toronto and show up at his doorstep, all dripping with 
fat and craziness and love-juices, expecting him to "service" her the way he 
had in her fevered stalker-dreams? 

It's just a theory. But I think it explains things better than your suggestion 
that she was just another lonely old woman taken in by a smooth-talking 
psychopath. I mean, it took her all these months after Robin ran away with his 
tail between his legs to start claiming how "in close communication" she was 
with him, right? Sounds suspicious to me. I think that the "deranged stalker" 
theory covers more bases. And actually, given the fact that we've all seen 
Judy's photographs, this theory is more flattering to Robin, too.  

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