---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Ann, another kind of crazy is you allegedly expressing interest in something 
you said you wouldn't find useful at all!


 Not for me and I'll tell you why. I had to look up the words Empty used (as 
you yourself admitted you had to too). Once I got the basic understanding for 
these words I proceeded to think about how any of this might apply to my life. 
Not having a deep understanding of these different roads to knowing God I could 
only base my final conclusion (that these were not useful to me) on having 
investigated it for myself. I was interested in why you found this "useful" 
even before I looked it up because I thought (mistakenly as it turned out) that 
your answer could clarify what empty was talking about in the first place. But 
all that happened was that you seemed unwilling to answer my initial question 
and then started throwing other quotes around that did not speak into your 
experience. Of course I have to investigate something before I can determine if 
it is useful to me and that is what I did. However, I still haven't a clue why 
this is useful to you but, at this point, am highly doubtful you can share this 
secret with me.

 On Friday, June 13, 2014 10:16 AM, "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emilymaenot@...> wrote :

 Share, do you think Ann was doing all these things when she sincerely asked 
you why you found Empty's information useful *to you?*  Do you think I was also 
doing all these things when I sincerely asked you if you had done the Sedona 
Method.  You ultimately avoided my question by telling Richard that you don't 
respond to posts that have a "tone" that you interpret as trying to start a 
fight - way to avoid Share. You also avoided Xeno's post and honest question to 
you.  Ah ha ha ha, Share.  This "avoidance technique" is your specialty; I've 
never seen anyone do it as well as you, except one person.  (This is why it is 
so easy for me to piss you off; I have had a lot of practice with those who 
avoid themselves). You have helped me to forgive this person and I thank you 
for that.  Sincerely, Emily

 It was a weird thing for me. I was also sincerely wondering how empty's post 
had been useful to Share. First I had to google the terms he used and second I 
was curious to know how two things like a traditional Indian dance and the 
emotion of anger was "very useful" to Share. She wouldn't answer it which is 
fine except she kept saying she had and yet what ended up happening is what 
happens every time. Ricky here claims people are abusing Share by trying to 
engage in a conversation with her! Then she milks this, acting all innocent and 
hard done by and Ricky keeps enabling and alienating her from the other poster 
by asserting, continually, that the other poster is ankle biting and hurting 
Share in some way. It is an amazing process to watch. He loves doing this as 
much as she loves the attention and the "help". It is some kind of crazy, I 
tell you.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Judy, I agree with your strategy and that's what I do. Meaning, I read just 
about everyone's posts. But if I detect an nitpicking or baiting or hyper 
negative tone, then I stop reading.


 I am avoiding Fleetwood's point because I don't agree with his assessment of 






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