Emily wrote about me:How did I know she was seemingly too afraid to admit she 
didn't have any personal experience with the method?

My response: Emily, this is why I prefer to have minimal contact with you. Look 
at the wrong and unfavorable assumption you make about me! Plus 
you write your assumption as if you are stating a fact!

To set the record straight: I have had personal experience with the 
Sedona Method. That is the basis for my writing about it here. I think most 
people would realize that immediately.

I am sorry too, Emily. I think there is way too much water under the 
bridge for me to ever think you have a benign intention towards me. But I wish 
you and your loved ones all the best. 

On Friday, June 13, 2014 12:22 PM, "emilymae...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Emily, I didn't and don't deny having any emotion. I questioned the value of 
expressing it here. I also disagree withvarious opinions and assessments of me. 
That is not denial either.

C: I find it completely outrageous that Share is choosing what questions she 
answers and how she expresses herself here. 

E.  You do?  I don't.  

C. Bravo to the committee that is trying to help her see that she is not enough 
of one thing and too much of another. 

E. I, for one am not doing that - prove it. 

C. She should stop resisting the unflattering view of herself that is being 
offered to her about herself and should accept the higher wisdom of people who 
post their opinions of her on FFL who do not like her.

E.  Is what I am saying an unflattering view?  I don't dislike Share; I don't 
have time to maintain such a position towards anyone here.  I don't always 
appreciate her behavior or like how she treats me.  

C. Share you should be ashamed of yourself for the way people who post here see 
you through the unflattering lens of unfriendliness.  

E.  Not true at all of me - I have no reason to be unfriendly towards her.  I 
am just availing myself of the opportunity to provide a little personal 
feedback on her very public posts here, as do we all, if we so choose.  

C. From now on Miss Missy, I expect you to answer every question posed to you, 
then accept every criticism sent your way for how you answered it as a fact 
about yourself that you don't see, but the people who are unfriendly toward you 
see clearly and with your best interest in mind. 

E. Share is the one who introduced and touted Lester Levinson and "what he 
says." How did I know she was seemingly too afraid to admit she didn't have any 
personal experience with the method?  She brought it up, for goodness sake. I 
was curious about it and asked a simple question.  Why she brings things up and 
then appears to be too scared to discuss them is what I was addressing.  She 
dismissed me, so I responded in kind, through humorous dismissal of her 
dismissal of me, and she reacted negatively to that.  Oh well.  

C. Their contempt for you is a form of good intention toward you, so you must 
take them seriously and lower you self-esteem accordingly. 

E.  Is this how you interpret my teasing her about her behavior, or you, for 
yours, for that matter.  As being "contemptuous?"  Wow....I'd better take a 
good long look at myself and my motivations and intentions...I'll get right on 
that.  I see myself as only benevolent, in case you were wondering.  

C. I also find it deplorable that you continue to seem unaffected by your 
critics. You should be cowering before their mighty perspective on you.

E.  Xeno brought up this point.  Share has a teflon coat, no doubt.  The issue 
with teflon is....it really doesn't hold up over the long term.  Best to go 
with cast iron.  

C. Also the blouse you are wearing does not go with those shoes.
And your hair could use a little attention from a brush.
Stop looking at me funny.
You made me do this.

E. It's all my fault; I am admittedly excellent at taking the blame for me, for 
you, for the guy on the street.   

On Friday, June 13, 2014 10:46 AM, "emilymaenot@... [FairfieldLife]" 

Defending oneself through denial is *not* "as positive a way as possible."  
It's a simple case of someone saying to someone who is yelling...."You sound 
angry."  The person responds...."I AM NOT ANGRY." lol

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

you know, I think you have to give someone a little wiggle room in expressing 
themself.  I would not call Share's comment expressing a "negative emotion".  I 
would call it defending oneself in as positive a way a possible.

that shehas to defend herself, but if she cared to respond, then I think she 
expressed herself clearly.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emilymaenot@...> wrote :

I don't think she does!  [Note:  Share, do you get how what you said 
demonstrated Fleetfoot's point?]  She would have to acknowledge that she might 
be engaging in a negative feeling.  Oh no...that is not O.K.!  Particularly 
here on FFL (smile)!

FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

Bingo. Do you think she really doesn't know she's doing just what he described?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
<sharelong60@...> wrote :

Yeah, Fleetwood, I see how you enjoy turq's and Xeno's posts so much! I see the 
nature of your so called enjoyment!

Thanks for proving Mac's point.

On Thursday, June 12, 2014 5:44 PM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

I enjoy everything I read here, even when I disagree with it. 

I was noticing your passive aggressive nature, on here, Share, and wanted you 
to know, as a helpful hint, that your repressed anger leaks out, even when you 
think you are hiding it.

Makes no difference to me, what you do about it, if anything. I won't be 
holding my breath.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Fleetwood, again, if someone doesn't enjoy my posts, for whatever reason, then 
why are they even reading them?! 

On Thursday, June 12, 2014 9:37 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Oh, I strongly disagree, Share - You definitely express negative emotions on 
here, plenty of them. Just not in a straightforward way. Passive aggressively. 
Repression, or rationalization, doesn't work with that shit. Invariably, the 
negativity leaks out, and like many who have been admonished for expressing 
such things, it can be quite an internal battle.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Fleetwood, I don't see the value of expressing negative emotions here. If that 
means others think I'm dishonest and avoid me, that's their choice. 


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