They are from Benjamin Creme's Master, His name is well known in esoteric 
circles but as yet undisclosed for the public. Anyone can send Mr. Creme a 
question about the evolution of a deceased and it will be published if he finds 
the result to be of public interest.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 What you say about Guru Dev has been confirmed by Theosophists. 
 According to Benjamin Creme, Guru Dev is indeed a Master of Masters having 
reached a stage of human development of 6.0 at the time of dropping the body in 
1953. Most of the Masters in the Hierarchy are were between 4 and 5 at the end 
of Their last incarnation. 
 Guru Dev is second in evolution only to the eldest known soul on this planet, 
today in incarnation with the name Maitreya who has a point of evolution of 
 To put it in perspective, most of the population in incarnation on earth today 
has not yet taken the first Initiation.

 How do these ratings get figured out and who does the rating?

---In, <> wrote :

 It was my good fortune to hear Charlie speak several times a year on the east 
coast starting in the early '70s until his passing. Many of his predictions 
about future events have come to past. When speaking of Guru Dev, the two most 
often repeated phrases I heard Charlie Lutes use were (1) "He was a Master of 
Masters" (2) "He was a Master of All Paths". He often followed by saying that 
because of this, only "The Guru Dev" could bring out Transcendental Meditation 
which (Charlie always insisted) was the highest teaching of this age.Charlie 
said the the future would belong to those who radiated peace and meditation and 

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