Yeah, it is pretty funny that a guy who always talks about maturing out of TM, 
has the sorriest life on this forum. Reminds me of someone I know who can't 
keep a stable home life, is always in debt, and works as a financial 
consultant. Well, as I have long said, "You can't reason with crazy". ---In, <> wrote : A must read 
for lurkers and potential jornalists: ---In, 
<fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote : C'mon, dude, you either sit in a bar, or in 
your room, watching TV, and telling the rest of us how awesome you are, and how 
Maharishi sucks. Nothing new or fresh - just the same old, same old. You have 
become boring, tired, frustrated, and worn out.  
 The Maharishi sucks routine has been played out, a long time ago, for you. You 
haven't come up with an original thought in years. Years. That is a long time 
to be stuck, Barry. And you are definitely stuck. 
 Despite your insistence, your braying, that you have grown up and put on your 
Big Boy pants, there is no evidence. You say the many other teachers you have 
studied with were superior to Maharishi, but again, no evidence. 
 Ever hear the expression, "Put up, or shut up"? It seems laughably pathetic 
that a guy who mostly drinks in bars and watches TV, is the one telling the 
rest of us, how fucked up we are, for finding value in Maharishi's message, and 
techniques. Someone who watches movies all the time, and farts around on the 
Internet, is the guy that's got it right, and Maharishi sucks.
 Let's see:
 Ann successfully raises and rides horses, and is a business owner, 
 Buck successfully raises and rides horses, and is a business owner, 
 Steve runs his own business, 
 I am happily retired and in the process of manifesting my dreams, 
 Nabby is a successful photographer. 
 But, wait we are all fucked up with a cult mindset, and Maharishi sucks, 
right? Because some guy sitting on his ass, either drinking in a "cafe", 
watching TV, or surfing the net, says so.
 Personally, if I were you, I'd be rethinking your logic and conclusions about 
all that. Have a nice day, if that is even remotely possible for you.
 ---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote : From: 
"steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
   What I find kind of interesting is to see people here, over time, keep 
discounting anything to do with MMY.
 I don't mean to single out Barry, but I've seen, (particularly with that quote 
Judy found), that MMY's stature has gone from someone enlightened, in Barry's 
eyes, to someone with no awakening, but rather a personality that people just 
latched onto because they had a cult mindset.

It's a natural process you might not be familiar with, Steve, because it's 
called "growing up." There has NEVER been a time on either a.m.t. or on FFL in 
which I said that I believed that Maharishi was enlightened, because it would 
not have been true. The only time I thought that was during the early years 
when I was as bamboozled by his act as anyone else. But during my TTC and 
afterwards, as I got to work more closely with Maharishi, I realized that I had 
never once seen or experienced anything I would categorize as "darshan" or 
"shakti" or even "charisma." As far as those qualities go, he had the charisma 
of a wet burrito, compared to many teachers I have worked with since. When I 
left the TMO and began to interface with other teachers from real traditions, I 
found out what real charisma and personal power were like, and thus realized 
how little of them Maharishi had had. I also got to learn from real spiritual 
traditions, as opposed to the ones he had made up and ripped off from Hinduism, 
just dressed in Western clothing. In terms of intellect and being able to give 
truly "advanced lectures," Maharishi was a spiritual kindergarten-level teacher 
at best. So there is simply no possibility of me considering him "enlightened." 
OR of considering him a good teacher. I *did* learn some useful things from 
him, and I thank him for those, but not to the point of feeling the need to put 
him up on some unrealistic pedestal for having qualities he never had. Do you 
still revere your kindergarten teacher, and place him or her up on some kind of 
pedestal of supposed wisdom, the way you might have "at the time?" Of course 
you don't. Similarly, I don't consider Maharishi anything more than one of the 
first teachers I ever worked with, back when I was young and naive and easily 
impressed. I have grown since then, and can "call a con man a con man" when it 
is appropriate.People -- including yourself, Steve -- DID latch on to Maharishi 
because he cultivated in them a cult mindset. Some of us grew up and got over 
it, and can in retrospect see him a little more clearly. If you can't, and get 
uptight when you hear other people doing so, you'll have to forgive me if I 
don't consider that my problem.    

 It really doesn't make a lot of sense, and as Jim likes to point out, says a 
lot more about the person finding fault, that the object of that person's 
 I guess this is a just sayin' observation.
  ---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :  While 
reading this I see that this was a golden time for MMY and for the Movement. 
There is so much power behind what he says here and seemingly so much truth. 
This was a pleasure to read. It reminds me why I started to meditate back in 
1970 and why I attended MIU. What a pleasure to read!

 Jai Guru Dev
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